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Got some problems growing bhut jolokia

I currently have a dwc setup with my peppers in it. I germinated the seeds let them grow in the rockwool cubes for a while then transplanted them to the dwc. The thing is, before I transplanted them they started to not look so good. I did some research and seen alot of people saying that peppers need hardly any nitrogen so I switched from maxigro to maxibloom thinking that would hopefully straighten things out, unfortunately as you can see by the pics it has not. Currently my nutes are EC 1.3 and I have a mixed solution of maxigro and maxibloom (mostly maxigro) since straight maxibloom did nothing for me. I keep my ph around 6 which I believe is correct since I had a hard time nailing it down as to what they prefer. They as currently under a 400 watt cmh lamp probably about 20 inches away as I have various other thing growing in there too. Temps are around 75 degrees farenheit and plants are probably around 6 weeks old and have been in the dwc for about 3 weeks. They are starting to form roots out of the net pots so I assume that is a good thing however as far as new growth up top, nada. I am still relatively new to gardening and have been bumbling my way through with relatively good luck so any help would be greatly appreaciated. BTW, great forum.
it could be a pest. i had similar look to to my plants last year with a bad aphid infestation. the nutrients could be the issue as well.

that said, i still managed to get fruit.
I think we have discussed ph issues with plants that look like that. 20 inches seems a little close for an HID too, raise the lights up to probably three feet or so and recheck ph, keep it around 6.5-7 I think.
Wow, talk about a quick response. Gonna check for bugs, adjust ph to 6.5 and the light is actually off to the side of the plants so I believe that it isn't getting hit too hard as would the plants directly under it, don't know if its relavant but I have a thermoter on the tub with the bhuts and the temps are pretty low also tried the hand technique and the back of my hand doesn't get hot at all. I can measure actual distance, its probably more than 20 inches. Thanks for the replies, gonna have a chili eating party so I can't wait, but its probably gonna be quite a while before I get some peppers.
millworkman said:
I think we have discussed ph issues with plants that look like that. 20 inches seems a little close for an HID too, raise the lights up to probably three feet or so and recheck ph, keep it around 6.5-7 I think.

pH 7 is too high. Keep it between 5.8-6.8 ideally somewhere in the middle of that. EC 1.3 is good, thats what I'm running at.

I'm just using botanicare pureblend pro grow, no bloom at this point. Peppers can handle N when they're young and vegetative, but you should cut back once they start fruiting otherwise fruit may abort. If you have a big, green luscious plant that won't fruit it's probably too much N. Doesn't seem to be the problem.

And that doesn't look like light burn/stress so I wouldn't worry about that either.
I have 2 bhuts that look almost exactly like that, but a little bigger. I know my ph isn't off, because I tested both the water and soil that I use for all my pepper plants. I basically ended up finding bugs on the leaves after a few weeks of noticing flies around the plants and quickly ordered some neem oil and they haven't been back since. Hopefully my 2 recover.
i got some bhi seeds a few weeks back in a trade and planted some on sunday and now quite a few of all the seeds i have are sprouting i am surpried at how quickly the naga and bhi sprouted as compared to my fatalii that is taking its own slow time.
too many ferts maybe? I thought that was my problem at first until I found bugs, but if you don't have bugs it rules out bugs. I did however take the advice here and flush my plant to try and get rid of excessive fert build up and or salt deposits. I read that if the water is yellowish that's bad and mine was a dark yellow so you might want to flush your plant to see.
Just a thought, but what kind of light did you start the plants under? Switching from fluoros to an HID light can definitely shock the plants. When I move from fluoros to HID, I start the HID as high up as possible and work it down closer over the course of a few days.

Wish I could be of more help man, sounds like you're doing things right though...
I definetly appreciate everybodys help thus far, the plants looked like that before I transplanted them under the hid. I figured they needed more light or were not liking being stuck in the small rockwool cubes. I think at this point I am gonna have to wait this one out, I just got done checking them and it appears as though they got a bit taller. I will keep everybody posted. In the meanwhile I have one extra that I am gonna put in some potting soil and try hardening it off and growing it in soil outside, any recomendations on fertilizer that can easily be obtained at the hardware store?
pH to 6.0

Edit: I re-read the first post and noticed the pH is already at 6 so it sounds like a too high EC. Even if you dilute your solution, there could be a lot of salt left in the rockwool. If you water once through the top it should flush out the rockwool and once the roots hit the water the plants should recover fine.
My 2 Bhuts look exactly like that and I only use oxygenated RO water that is pre-treated and has a low ph so I have a feeling it's because of the amount of ferts used. I did a flush of both plants about a week ago and haven't used any ferts for a few weeks and they seem to be getting better and growing new leaves. I however have them outside and in soil, but I know for certain it's not a pH issue with mine at least.
You guys bring a good point with the rockwool, I was feeding them low strength nutes with a syringe when they started to dry out so there probably is some salt buildup in there. Do you think I should maybe flush them with some ph'd distilled water?
as mentioned 3 post ago that's exactly what I did and it seems my 2 recovered, but I'm too new at this to give any good advice so make sure you what to get the ok from a pro.
hydrojunkie said:
U did mention that earlier, sorry dude I am slipping. For some reason it just hit me in the head like a hammer.

Ohh no please feel free to get confirmation from a pro. I'm only in my 2nd month at this so i'm just throwing out possibilites. Although I have read a lot and done a ton of research I don't have any real world experience so I was just going by what I thought the problem might be from process of elimination as I have the same exact problem.