• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Grass Snake's 2015 Glog

My first Glog and maybe my last depending on how it goes in 2015. Still trying to come up with a game plan but went ahead and started most of my seeds. I plan on using mostly pots but a raised bed is likely if I can get my pool demo completed in time. Wicked Mike's seed train helped me get a crap load of seeds to start the new season. Along with my 3 Aji dulce that are overwinters, I'm hoping for 50 successful plants this season. Still some seeds to sow but here it is THP. Meathead1313 hooked me up with some nice pods like cgn21500, SB7J, Jimmy Nardello and others that will fill the open slots. Joemomma also gets some credit for sending me free pods.

JoynersHotPeppers said:
Great start, don't baby them as that is the worst that can be done :)
Get yourself a Bahamian Goat for that list.
Not raising no wimps here, these plants will be shown tough love. Your right Bahamian Goat would be a great pepper to add to the list. I'll keep my eye out for some seeds.
slade122 said:
Good luck in 2015!I'm in Dallas too, and since you have some varieties that I don't, perhaps we can work out a trade when you get there.Enjoy our nice winter... so far...
Which ones I still have a few seeds. Our winter has been pretty mild so far and I'm not complaining.
Which ones I still have a few seeds. Our winter has been pretty mild so far and I'm not complaining.

I was meaning pods, because I'm already at my max capacity of 150+ plants.

I might have some Bahamian goat seeds left it you want to give them a go because I already have 4 seedlings. They are this year's stock from refining fire.

I will likely have some extra plants too if you find that you run short.

My earliest varieties are producing flowers now as well.

They are all in my GLOG.
Gonna check out your glog, thats alot of plants. I'll gladly take those seeds off your hands! I noticed I had no orange varieties.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     Any hooks yet? What are you planning on transplanting into? (soil, containers…)
No hooks yet. I plan to move them into solo cups with soil, and not just any soil, super secret high grade you wish you had some soil. Naw just some kind of store bought organic soil I guess. I'm not sure if I'm gonna do containers or raised bed. I leaning towards a raised bed just depending on the soil quality of the dirt I use to fill the hole in the ground that was once a pool. If I do a raised bed I'm probably gonna buy dirt in bulk from the city for $39 a sq yd. Here is a link: http://egov.plano.gov/pureproducts/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=410
Turned my rain water collector into a compost bin. A compost tumbler was the plan but after research It seemed to be a waist of time. I'm just gonna use a hand tiller and maybe roll it around on the ground like a guy on youtube suggested. I'll see how it goes but not depending on this too much.
Good idea. I have three water butts but I only really use 1 or 2 when we have a warm spell, which is super rare here!
I will follow your progress