Greetings from Baltimore

Hello everybody! I wish I knew about this site before this year's growing season. I've been reading a ton of stuff the past few days. I only found this site early last week so I have a lot more required reading to finish.

I'm living in Baltimore and growing some peppers in crowded Home Depot buckets on my tiny, tiny back stoop. I told my g/f in S. Jersey about this site too so hopefully she'll get on board too.

AlabamaJack, I watched the video of your yard. Wow...that's a lot of peppers.
Welcome, sir!
Baltimore's awesome. Basically my second most favorite city in the world (I went to undergrad over there).

Welcome once more!
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May You Soul Rest In Peppers



Welcome from Fort Worth...

give it a couple of years and you will be growing just as many or wishing you could....again, welcome aboard
PMD.....aaaaarrrrrrhhhhhhhhhh :D

I'm still having nightmares about him......hahaha

Anyway Hello and welcome from Australia