Howdy there, my name's Brandon, but most people call me Shimmy. I just recently discovered this site while attending Zest Fest 2009 in Ft. Worth. I only managed to blow around a C-note on sauces there... As most here I would assume, I have what some would call an unnatural fascination with peppers. I like watching the plants grow, I like seeing the pods develop, I like burnin the f#%$ out of myself time and time again. I purchased a live Jolokia plant of the Internets and now have a beautiful bush with buds and flowers hanging all over it [no peppers as yet, but I can smell them starting...]. The Ghost shares the back yard with 16 other pepper plants. This year is a bit scattered with plants grounded in various places in the yard and the majority in containers strewn about the yard as I am still working out the best spots and determining if I want to go all container or all dirt. My user name comes from what I plan on naming my pepper company once I get my s*%^ together. My dream is to have aquaponic (using dirty fish water to supply nutrients) peppers for harvest and make bonzai pepper plants with a hydroponic system.