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contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

Mine seems to be growing very slowly compared to my other plants (The ones that has survive my unintentional destruction anyway, lol) But looking at how much Dan's plant has grown I think maybe this is the case for this variety. I'm sure TGPS or Joyner will be able to shed some light as they are the masters of the PKN

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this. The PKN can be a slow starter. It has always seemed to me to be slow up until it starts side shooting. Once you see these, they start to take off pretty quick.

Here are mine that were started for this contest. They just got their first transplant today. They have just started their 2nd set of true leaves.

Untitled by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr
Excellent, good to know. Thought it was just me doing something wrong to my plant. I'm glad it looks like we are all still pretty much on track with each other then. Guna be a tight contest if they all stay like this for a while yet.
Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to this. The PKN can be a slow starter. It has always seemed to me to be slow up until it starts side shooting. Once you see these, they start to take off pretty quick.

Here are mine that were started for this contest. They just got their first transplant today. They have just started their 2nd set of true leaves.
Untitled by GhostPepperStore.com, on Flickr

Wow so many losing plants in one photo... such a shame...
Okay Jeff good one!!! Anyway I just got a reverse osmosis system!!! Set it up yesterday. Water going in was 246ppm and 8.9 ph... water coming out was 7.1 ph and 9 ppm. bung hole washer is about to kick it in high gear!!!
Okay Jeff good one!!! Anyway I just got a reverse osmosis system!!! Set it up yesterday. Water going in was 246ppm and 8.9 ph... water coming out was 7.1 ph and 9 ppm. bung hole washer is about to kick it in high gear!!!

That's pretty cool, another new gadget for you to play with. I never bothered to check the pH of my water straight from the tap, but ever since I switched from the crap nutrients I was using to GH flora duo, my pH is right around 6.8 after I put in the nutes. It is nice not to have to mess with tiny dropper fulls of pH down for once. I know I could probably go lower, but the pH never changes over the week between nute changes and the plants seem happy here.
The guys at the hydro store told me that I would need one as our water sucks so so much and I did not believe them until I tested it myself. I have tried all sorts of nutes and with PH so high, they only ever get the solution PH down to about 7.5 so I still always add PH down. I mixed up some nutes today with the RO water and PH after mixing was 6.. No more PH down for me :P .

If you don't mind me asking, what were you using before the GH flora duo?
If you don't mind me asking, what were you using before the GH flora duo?

CNS 17. The hydro shop recommended it because it was a 1 part nutrient (it really isn't, but that is why they sold it to me), but following the directions on the label, I nute burned the shit out of my leaves and after a month of running it, I had clogged two of the air lines in the hydro farms from all of the salts. Salt build up was everywhere on the hydro farms too because of the way they work. I didn't notice any real salt build up on the DWC ones.

Floura Duo is a low salt product from what I have been told and my plants seem to be happy with it so far, but it has only been a couple of weeks so it is too early to really tell.
Haha i just bought a bottle of CNS 17 to try out because I want a more commercial product than the pure blend pro grow that I use from botanicare. I will be only using it on dwc's though
Okay Jeff good one!!! Anyway I just got a reverse osmosis system!!! Set it up yesterday. Water going in was 246ppm and 8.9 ph... water coming out was 7.1 ph and 9 ppm. bung hole washer is about to kick it in high gear!!!

I get 7.0Ph and 20-40ppm(depends on if it rained recently) right from the tap. Gotta love private wells.

Dan, you like tinkering with gadgets. Once these priks go into autopilot mode, how about a micro hydro challenge? 1/2gallon max reservoir size.
1/2 gallon.. thats not easy to do... what do you want to grow in this TINY reservoir... Also aeroponics allowed or dwc only? PM me with the rules so we dont hijack this thread ;-)

Getting ready to take over the world!

Had to trim off 4 lower leafs this last week. Well didn't have to but I like her to look purd'y!

How's everyone else doing?
Sad i live in Sweden, but it will be really fun to watch this, in your climate!
Best of luck to all of you.

Oh yeah and Dan, you aint gonna win man lol! :dance: