contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

I have another idea for the rules. If you want to you can do one soil-less and one soiled. Ha ha, soiled.... Say if you want to put one in the ground or a pot(that is not all coco or coco/perlite mix and/or doesnt use hydro nutes or receive nutes every time you water) and do another soil-less like a coco or full hydro setup. What say ye?

You will have 10 seeds, so you can start as many as you can germinate, and in any media, but you will have to pick one plant to submit (if I understood the rules correctly).

PM sent out for seeds. I'll make room, count me in!

Question...does soaking them before putting them in the dirt count as sowing them, or does the sow date mean in the actual dirt?

Soaking counts as germinating, its essentially the same thing. Some people soak, some don't, everyone should leave the bags sealed until the 15th.

Can someone give me a little info on this pepper. Is it a thai? Does it taste good?

It tastes similar to most other thais (very tasty to me), very hot, I would guess 75,000-100,000 SHU. Although, I always tell people this plant can surprise you. You might grab a pod that has almost no heat, the one next to it might light you UP! That has been my experience.

Those look similar to boonie peppers. Maybe I'll pickle them.

I would say the pods look similar, but from what I understand there are two types of boonies, one is annuum the other is frutescens. I am growing the annuum right now and they are not similar to prik kee noo suan in my opinion. Maybe it is more similar to the frutescens boonie.
Scraggly little weeds?!?! The only thing you have ever managed to grow well is pubic hair!!

Hahaha okay let's tone it down hehehe

That was you peeking into my window last night? If you want to know my top secret germination technique, just read my glog. No need to be a creep.
[background=rgb(255, 250, 242)]Can someone give me a little info on this pepper. Is it a thai? Does it taste good?[/background]

Googling the name comes up with a translation "mouse shit" so this ought to be real interesting. :rofl:

Edited to add that our little contest has already made it to the first page of the google entries for prik kee noo suan.
Googling the name comes up with a translation "mouse shit" so this ought to be real interesting. :rofl:

Edited to add that our little contest has already made it to the first page of the google entries for prik kee noo suan.

Yep -- watched Neil from Hippy Seed Co's youtube review of it earlier and in it's listing it says
"Prik kee noo known as "mouse shit" due to the fact that you never usually know a mouse is there but see their shit so Know,, these in food the same, can't see them there but once try, Know they are..
That might have to do with the fact that there are about a hundred ways to spell it. Prik ki noo, prik kee nu, prik ke gnu, prik key noo.

They all translate to mouse poop.
Ghostpepper is now a Thai man #losing, Charlie would be proud :P --- on a serious not thanks for putting up the seeds, I just checked and that package I got from Thailand must have 500 seeds.

Black seeds=pubes

Advantage: Zack