contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

So, one entrants seeds are going out today since they are being kind enough to send me some Jalemundo seeds. Here is a picture of what everyone will be receiving... take note that the top of every bag will be heat sealed so it should be obvious if the bags have been tampered with prior to the POL.

Untitled by, on Flickr

I have received shipping information from 20 people so far! If you are interested and not on the list below, then I either have not received your shipping info, or I have screwed up and deleted your PM before writing it down.

Jeff H
AWESOME!!!!!! theghospepperstore, do you HAVE to post pictures like that up??? It gets me so excited!! Can't wait to win this one!!!!!

I have a secret weapon!!! :dance:
A couple questions on the rules: Largest harvest wins, correct? Does that mean the one with the most peppers on the plant on July 15th wins or the one who has picked the most peppers off of that plant during the duration of the contest? If it is the latter, we could just freeze all of the prior peppers in order to keep track of them. 2nd question: when counting peppers, do we scalp the plant or do only ripe ones count?
A couple questions on the rules: Largest harvest wins, correct? Does that mean the one with the most peppers on the plant on July 15th wins or the one who has picked the most peppers off of that plant during the duration of the contest? If it is the latter, we could just freeze all of the prior peppers in order to keep track of them. 2nd question: when counting peppers, do we scalp the plant or do only ripe ones count?

Largest harvest will be defined as the most peppers harvested from one plant by July 15th. Pods must be mature but can be harvested both green and red. Mature pods will be any pods over 1/2 inch long. Unfortunately, I believe you will need to pick the peppers in order to be able to count them all. Unless you only end up with 20, then it will be easy to count them in a picture while still on the plant.

The idea is to encourage people to leave as many pods on the plant as they can handle. Technique is going to be key, because harvesting the first few ripe pods will encourage more budding, plus you may have a few ripe ones at 120 days that will dry up before the deadline. Then again, you might be able to delay all pods until the plant is the size you want and then let it pod up for a really big number. Again, I think there will be some interesting techniques being used that might really drive the results.

This, of course, is going to require all of us to take on good faith that no one is saving early pods in the freezer to use in the final count. I am hoping that any pods harvested early are eaten!
TGPS, confused about one thing above..."[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Largest harvest will be defined as the most peppers harvested from one plant by July 15th." "[/background][background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]This, of course, is going to require all of us to take on good faith that no one is saving early pods in the freezer to use in the final count. I am hoping that any pods harvested early are eaten!"[/background]

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]​If it is about how many we harvest before the 15th of July why wouldn't we store them? I am assuming there has to be a great deal of trust and honesty regardless.[/background]
Yeah, trust will be a big deal. What I was kind of hoping for was that around the deadline, folks would take a picture of their "growdown" plant pre-harvest, harvest everything off, take a picture, and count.

There really wont be much benefit to saving the first few peppers, this probably wont be a competition decided by 10 or 20 pods, I am thinking the winning plant will win by 100 or more. I really think someone can pull 1000 pods at one time.

We are already trusting that people wont just grow 10 plants and harvest from all 10 and claim victory. That is why I think we need pictures of the plant and pods before and after harvest. A plant with 100 pods on it will look much different than a plant with 500.

Also, I am open to suggestions if anyone can think of ways to make this easier, clearer.
Ok, was just trying to clear up that if we picked 500 2 months early we could count those and it sounds like the answer is yes. We could do POL with a picture if any of us get that lucky to get real early harvests.
Ok, was just trying to clear up that if we picked 500 2 months early we could count those and it sounds like the answer is yes. We could do POL with a picture if any of us get that lucky to get real early harvests.

I thought it was actually only counting the pods harvested on that date (thus the POL which will be posted on the harvest date to ensure everyones pic is from after that is posted ) which brings part of the challenge to get the plant to reach the highest concentration of pod up at the right time by clipping early pods to save the plants energy but not clip too late to get them developed by the harvest date.
I thought it was actually only counting the pods harvested on that date (thus the POL which will be posted on the harvest date to ensure everyones pic is from after that is posted ) which brings part of the challenge to get the plant to reach the highest concentration of pod up at the right time by clipping early pods to save the plants energy but not clip too late to get them developed by the harvest date.
that is why I asked my question, If you read what was written either it is a typo or it suggests many harvests are fine.

"[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Largest harvest will be defined as the most peppers harvested from one plant by July 15th."[/background]

It does not matter to me either way, just wanted clarity.
I thought it was actually only counting the pods harvested on that date (thus the POL which will be posted on the harvest date to ensure everyones pic is from after that is posted ) which brings part of the challenge to get the plant to reach the highest concentration of pod up at the right time by clipping early pods to save the plants energy but not clip too late to get them developed by the harvest date.

Correct. However, there is nothing stopping anyone from cheating other than their own integrity.

If someone has 500 pods 2 months before the deadline and they think its the highest number they can get, then they could harvest and count, but I honestly don't think that is going to happen.

that is why I asked my question, If you read what was written either it is a typo or it suggests many harvests are fine.

"[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Largest harvest will be defined as the most peppers harvested from one plant by July 15th."[/background]

It does not matter to me either way, just wanted clarity.

Now I see what you are asking!

To clarify, you can harvest early (before July 15th) but that is the harvest we are going to count. I worded it that way because I do not expect everyone to be able to harvest ON July 15th and wanted to leave some wiggle room on harvest date.
So only one harvest counts, not the amount of pods produced in total by said plant by said date?

Yes, the goal is to get the most pods on one plant at one time. I have personally had plants with almost 500 mature pods at one time, so that is what we are going for.

Like I said. The first ripe pods are usually WAY before the main harvest, but they will be relatively small 10-20 pods. The next set of pods after that is usually at least 100 pods, but could be as many as 1000 pods if people really put in some effort.

I should also add that ripe pods can stay on the plant for 2-3 weeks without losing to much freshness.
This will be an awesome thread! I am pretty excited about it.

As for the name prik kee noo, prik = pepper, kee = poop, nuu = mouse or rat (they dont really differentiate between the two)

I used to live over there, prik kee noo are pretty standard peppers used in lots of the little bowls with fish sauce and cut up peppers at pretty much any place you can get food.

I have a memory of deseeding some of these peppers I picked from my yard, and then not washing my hands before i went pee....... :shocked: I do not advise it......
Not entered here in Growdown but Good Luck to all that are.

Here's something I found interesting about the name and a decript of the pepper itself.
Also see there are quite a few different spellings of the pepper's name.

Chilies: Prik or Phrik
Capsicum annum cv. group longum = the longer varieties
Capsicum frutescens = the shorter (hotter) varieties

‘Mouse dropping' prik khii nuu Capsicum frutescens minimum
60-80K Scoville units, although this number could be much, much higher. Some claim that these chiles are second only to habaneros in heat index.

‘Farm' mouse dropping prik khii nuu suan
Shorter, fatter, with smaller seeds; also known as ‘scuds' by some food writers

‘Dragon's eye' mouse dropping prik khii nuu sun yaew
4cm; more narrow and tapering than ‘farm' mouse dropping chiles

The mouse dropping family of chiles gets its name from their resemblance to mouse feces when the chiles are dried, although some claim that they are hot enough to make a mouse collapse should the rodent eat one. They are the hottest chiles used in Thailand , and generally they are used fresh. Some cooks grind them in a mortar and pestle to add overall heat to a dish, while some cooks will leave these chiles whole or in large segments in a dish, so that they can be easily removed by the diner.

Here's the link to the page this is on.

I got some of these Thai seeds in a trade with Superman. He has the pepper spelled Prik ki nu.

They the same as these in contest?
His spelling is different, though.
