contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

My setup is similar to pshngo's. 1 Gallon pots (for now :shh: ) full strength fish ferts, kelp extract, a bit of cal-mag. Mine are planted in Pro-Mix amended with a bit of extra perlite and worm poo. Soon they will be switched over to compost/fish tea.

Scratch - your plant is looking awesome. That is the density you should be seeing at this stage. Depending on lighting, these plants will continue with that density.
Mine is in a 3.75" net pot sitting in a 15 gallon tote with 5 other plants. It will stay here until its roots get long enough to take advantage of a 5 gallon bucket. The little prik is getting fed full strength GH Flora Duo mixed in the balanced grow (50% A, 50% B).

Lighting is provided by a 600W MH bulb on about 14 hours a day, but the prik is at the outer edge of the plants under that light so it isn't getting light as intense as some of the plants.

Scratch, where did you find a source for 2 gallon buckets? I've been looking form something that size since it seemed like a waste to use a 5 gal bucket for small plants. That is why I settled on my 15 gal tote for 6 plants (Home Depot). There is only 9 gal of nute solution in there so it isn't that big of a nute waster, but less is always better.
Igotmine from the restaurant I worked at. They were sauerkraut buckets originally. We would goth fought 3 or 4 of them a month, so I eventually started taking them home with me. I also have a 1gal bucketthatiuse for seedlings.

I'll start them in 2" nets until I get a decent root structure, transplant to a 3.75" net in a larger bucket, and finish in a 5gallon with a 6" net.
Just potted mine up from the solo cup. I kind of forgot about it for a while. I suppose I'll start hardening it off soon.

Edit: wrong pic
Thanks Dan! It isn't quite as impressive as most of the ones I'm glancing over on this thread, but maybe I can catch up. Nothing special so far. It's been under my t5ho the whole time, in Happy Frog soil. I haven't fed it anything yet. I'll probably give it some seaweed extract in a couple weeks.
After seeing some the photos posted compared to my little 'puppy', I just console myself with the words of Warren Buffett ....
"The happiest people do not necessarily have the best things. They simply appreciate the things they have."

But I have a couple of 'plans' to catch up. (And I'm not in the 'toilet sprayer' mode Danny!)
After seeing some the photos posted compared to my little 'puppy', I just console myself with the words of Warren Buffett ....
"The happiest people do not necessarily have the best things. They simply appreciate the things they have."

But I have a couple of 'plans' to catch up. (And I'm not in the 'toilet sprayer' mode Danny!)

Quotes from a guy with enough money to buy a country doesn't hold ground on this planet hahaha. He can appreciate the billions of dollars he has is all he is saying there.. His house is tiny though.. Drove past it already
Everyone's plants look great. Yes, even you Dan. :D

I did some research on my shriveling new growth and everything points towards calcium deficiency. Not sure how that can happen in a hydro system where the nutes are changed once a week and the pH is 6.5ish but stranger things have happened. Off to the hydro shop tomorrow for some cal-mag.

Small update on my plant: It is no longer in the DWC tank, but now in a drip dutch bucket type system so I can put it outside in a few weeks and not worry about the water temp getting too high. I changed about 10 plants from DWC to drip and most are handling the change well. Photos once I get this leaf curl/shriveling thing solved.
Goodluck with that issue! My nutes specifically state that if using RO water like I am, then you want to add some cal mag every nute change. I do it every other nute change but I am guessing that a lot of the nutes available are made to account for calcium in tap water so they don't put sufficient amounts in there just incase someone is using very hard water, then the plant won't have too much calcium. You must be using RO water or your water is just good quality and relatively soft out of the tap which may be why you are having a calcium deficiency.
Forgot about this, I've been busy and haven't had much time for posting. Some nice plants are showing up from you guys.

I only had 1 pop and I left it a little to long in the solo cup.


They are in coco under a 400 watt hps, I should be able to get them outside in the next week or so.