contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

Island_Dan said:
My plant has 7 full grown pods that are still green for the last two weeks. I guess we will see.
That really surprises me, I guess the 10-15 day thing may not be accurate. Unfortunately, it isn't something I have ever tried to track scientifically, more of a educated guess.
It's a learning process for all of us!

Ghostpepper, when you say 10-15 days, is that from pod set, or from pod maturity? That could make a big difference, as my pods are 20-25 days old from setting, but only 7-12 days old from maturity.
They usually turn 10-15 days after maturity. The problem is, there are usually so many pods on the plants its hard to remember what day a particular pod reached maturity. There are also all the environmental factors to take into account. All pods in my greenhouse seem to ripen rather quickly, so plants under HPS may be slower.
Pods ripening ??? Holy Mole, I just had my first bloom open this morning --- then the sky darkened and we went right back to another rain squall... 
theghostpepperstore said:
They usually turn 10-15 days after maturity. The problem is, there are usually so many pods on the plants its hard to remember what day a particular pod reached maturity. There are also all the environmental factors to take into account. All pods in my greenhouse seem to ripen rather quickly, so plants under HPS may be slower.
Like I said, a learning experience for all! That's what I had hoped to get the most out of this growdown, and it's happening. Were seeing one strain under a multitude of conditions and how it reacts. Science!
scratchzilla said:
Like I said, a learning experience for all! That's what I had hoped to get the most out of this growdown, and it's happening. Were seeing one strain under a multitude of conditions and how it reacts. Science!
I'm so far behind you, I  have to give up on Science and turn to the spiritual world ......I need Magic!
I got hold of a Shaman to look out for my little Prik and change it's Karma into miraculous growth  :rolleyes:  :pray: 

Scratch, when we count the peppers, it is quite obvious that most of us are going to have a ton of green peppers. The pepper gods would probably be offended by pulling all of those not ripe pods off for the contest. What are the chances of trying to get a somewhat accurate count and leaving the peppers on the plant to ripen?

Island_Dan said:
Yeah we have all learnt from this. Bunghole washers can't beat dwc's. Dirt can't beat hydroponics. 150 days is not enough to grow a prik kee noo suan in competition. Don't compete against scratch ever again.
Such a wealth of knowledge!!
I agree on most all of the points. My drip system isn't doing bad, but certainly isn't keeping up with Scratch.
30 days seems good to me. And Jeff, do you see any algae growth with those blue buckets? Please tell me more about this drip system you have since I am planning to move to a similar system. What size res and pump are you running? And did you make the drip rings yourself or purchased one?
I am also ok with a 30 day extension, if that is what you guys want to do. Heck, its all in good fun.
What I do find funny, is that the green pods are very tasty (to those who enjoy green peppers). My old boss at work still stops by my office to steal green pods off of my PKN plant in my office. He says that where he grew up in India, they eat unripe peppers almost exclusively.
Island_Dan said:
30 days seems good to me. And Jeff, do you see any algae growth with those blue buckets? Please tell me more about this drip system you have since I am planning to move to a similar system. What size res and pump are you running? And did you make the drip rings yourself or purchased one?
No Dan, no alge in the blue buckets, but as you know, the buckets aren't full either, there is only a couple of inches of water in the bottom. There is a touch of surface alge on the hydroton where the drip ring keeps it pretty wet, and none on my containers full of lava rock. There are a few pictures of the whole system in my glog, but here are a few details: Rez is 25 gallon container from Lowes and it is buried to keep it cool. I only use a 200GPH pump, and although My setup is ready for 10, the pump does better with the 8 that I have in there now (bigger pump next year). The drip rings were home made out of tubing and fittings I got from
I stole the basic idea from this guy, but I obviously have changed a few things.