contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

So anyone have red yet? All my pods are green. Hoping to see a change in color soon!



I took a picture of my prik with a 17 oz water bottle next to it, so you could get an idea of the size.  Unfortunately, I noticed when I got home that there was something smudged to the lens on my cell phone camera.  All of my pictures from today look like they were taken with a potato.

Sorry if that made you blind.
Monday update time! Hope you guys are all having great luck with your Priks!

Still no ripe pods on my plant, but I know that patience will reward me. I noticed last year that it takes forever to get that first pod to ripen, and then once it does, you can't keep up with them. So I'm happy to wait a few more days.

Doing my reservoir change today I noticed that my plant is stupid top-heavy, and still super dense. Getting the peppers under the canopy is going to be a chore.






Went to the garden center today and got some starts for my outdoor garden, so I'm super excited to share those with everyone. I'll have pics of those once I get the in the dirt.

Ghotspepperstore, my friend wants a cutting or two of my Prik for his garden, do you find it is hard to clone?
Cloning peppers is generally hit or miss for me. Having tried several methods, the one I actually had the best success with was plain water in a windowsill. It isn't fast though. Currently I have 4 Butch T cuttings in water for almost a month and they have a few roots but they aren't ready to go in the soil yet. 
This fall I'll try more experiments with Clonex, my few tries last year didn't end well for the plant. 

I'll not comment on the awesome size of your plant. I think Dan and I could combine out plants and not equal yours. 
I have never successfully cloned a pepper plant. I have some tomato plants that I just managed to clone for a neighbor in water/fish emulsion.
I have tried clonex and plain water methods with peppers with no success.
I am getting my first success cloning a bonds am Jacque! After many months of sitting in water after rooting gel, I am finally getting some roots. I tried cloning a branch of my moruga though and that died immediately. It is hit or miss.
I tried using a dome with an automated mister, dipped them in Clonex, still a no go. Cloning is honestly not something I am going to ever devote any real amount of time into again, I can grow faster from seed.
I've had decent results with other plants by putting my cuttings directly into a dwc system with tap water and nothing else. Never tried peppers before though.
I only attempted to clone a few times. I just cut it, dipped in rooting hormone, and stuck it in some dirt. Worked about half the time.

Denniz has cloned a ton of plants this year. I think he uses the aerogarden to do it.
theghostpepperstore said:
 Cloning is honestly not something I am going to ever devote any real amount of time into again, I can grow faster from seed.
+1. It is certainly not something that you can reliably do but if you are trimming your plants for any reason (like storm damage), just put it in a container of water and sit it on the windowsill. you aren't really devoting time to it and It will either root or die. It really is a coin toss with peppers.
Here is an idea! At the end of the season, think of plants you want to save but don't feel like you necessarily have to over winter and trim them back heavily, cut them flush at the ground and try to root the whole plant.. Or cut the largest branches off and make 3-4 clones for over wintering.
Here is 5 Butch T cuttings after a month in tap water. Only 4 have roots and only one of those has a decent amount of roots. Probably at least a few more weeks until I can plant them. BUT, this is the first successful (well, not successful yet, but headed in the right direction) cloning project out of the several I have tried. 

Jeff H said:
Here is 5 Butch T cuttings after a month in tap water. Only 4 have roots and only one of those has a decent amount of roots. Probably at least a few more weeks until I can plant them. BUT, this is the first successful (well, not successful yet, but headed in the right direction) cloning project out of the several I have tried. 

god i wish i could make pepper clones like that in my clone chamber, the best i can do is tomatoes.