contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

Pic from yesterday. A hundred flowers or more and quite a few small pods too. 

Scratch, what is the end date now? did we more it out until August? 
No red ones here. I did snap a pic of my non-competition plant. I can tell already it's going to end up much larger than the competition one, which I made a rookie mistake on and crowded too much. This one has been in the ground about half the time that the other has:

You ate a pod already?? Nice!! My plant was like the second to start podding but I turned the heater off in the room it is in and successfully have managed to keep it from ripening any pods! I now have tons of full size full grown pods that are all staying nicely green without ripening. Now I just have to time it so that I can heat up the room and convince it to ripen all at once! What do you think? Probably not going to succeed...
Nice pod Scratch, don't know if I have ever mentioned it, but this variety has a high number of freak pods with the extra growths on them. Always seems to happen early on.
Update. The plant just won't stop! Pods galore, and it's still getting bigger. It's also drinking much more these days.



And in this last pic, you can see hundreds of dead flower heads that were pushed off by baby peppers.