contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

In the garden and ready to get funky

Aight, weekend update time! Gotta push this topic back to the top anyway! 

Here's my little one...50"

Third place...52"

Second place and gaining fast...inground 53"

Still in first, but looking over his shoulder for the fast gaining inground is the 18 gallon tote plant...55"
Oh and once again...

Some more of these! I am having a ton of fun with this glad I got in on it! Think I am gonna let my two 5#'s grow a little more and then stick them in with my inground...Hmmmmm
I showed y'all you gotta show me yours!
Thanks Kevin and Denniz...
Romy's Mystery (maybe tree hab) X Goat's Weed is quite a bit taller. Well over 5'...and the one I think is true to the mother plant is about the same height as the tallest Birgits.

The one on the left is the cross coming in at around 65" and still growing like crazy. I may need a ladder to harvest this tree once it gets done. I am 6' and already looking up at this dude with the addition of the container height. I just repotted them from 5# nursery containers into these 15" (10-12#) and may end up putting them both in 18# totes before season's end...
Plants are looking good Shane and Dennis.

Save a bunch of seeds from the mystery annuum and Goat cross for possible canidates for next years growdown. I will get some pics of my birgy's when I get back in town. Not very tall but has a bunch of pods on it.
 Damn boyz you guys are kicking my as :confused: . My canidate is in  the ground and has settled in nicley. Did not skip a beat after one week in the ground . It has already survived a tropical depression/storm :dance: . Once I start my secret potions this thing is gonna sky rocket baby. :fireball: I do have about 4 more guys in hiding in case something happens to this guy. :shh:

 no more also-rans. I transplanted the two 5# plants into the inground plot...

Gonna be a triple threat team effort in there. The to in back aren't in as choice a spot as the center one...but their roots will find what they need. The soil is loaded with earthworms so there is some good stuff going on down there.  May be a mistake...may not??? I guess we'll find out in about 5 months!
Guess I'm a glutton for punishment posting right behind Shane again, but here is the latest pic of my contender wanna be.   He's missing a few leaves, but does have a couple of buds on him.

If you look at the Aji Dulce next to it, it actually looks pretty big, but it's probably only 2' tall now.   
Hell I go away for a few days in the hospital and come back to see plants 5 feet tall with pods and every thing, must be the great weather you guys have. 3/5 King your plants are looking good. I haven't seen what mine looks like since I went into the hospital for surgery, I'll have to see how they are doing when I feel A bit better.
Its been wet and cool here so I don't think they have took off just yet, so I doubt that I'll have any surprises.
Still feeling crappy so I'll end for now.
Man there are some great lookin plants so far. Mine's making a comeback from the frost disaster but its still only around 16-18".

If we could get a few days in a row without monsoon rains it might do something. Less than ideal weather this year.
Ahhhh....John and I both will have some pods! Nice brotha! Plant and plot look great! Pre-season is over, let the games begin! Bonnie...your plant is kicking A too, Dsh is the comeback kid, Denniz has got a few contenters...and Jamie yours is just so darn cute!
No fair pods already,  took some photo's today did a little better job at it but i think some of my photo problem lies with the cheap cam, I guess I will use my sister's cam as it takes much better pics. 
          Heres my check in plants I tried to get a good photo of plants 1&2,   Although I can get a close up I lose the messuring stick, So I have to get a photo that will show  both the plant and Messuring stick . So again it comes down to me using my sister's cam. My best plant #1 has been displaced by #3 which is close to 20"  the others are # 1 at 18"  # 2 is 16"  and # 4 at 16"   