contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Interesting observations.......
Picking the fruit off of a plant or lets just say even deadheading flower tops from your annuals or perennials will encourage new flowering not stimulate new foliage. Pruning the lower foliage will, however will encourage upper growth...
 Man guys funny this topic was brought up. I was looking at my biggest Birgy this morning and noticing how it had a perfect fork at the top contemplating whether or not I would prune one or leave it alone. I decided to leave it alone and let mother nature take it's course. You guys have only aided in my final decision.  My plants seem to always drop lower leaves on there own and spread upwards. Must be the Florida sun? is my weekend update!

18# Container is at about 65" and filling in nicely!

Podding up nicely in ground...
Here are a couple shots for perspective...

Here is my Yellow Lab with the 3 in ground plants...

...and here I am with them. I am Just over 6' tall.
Here are a couple more biguns...

Not the best pic, but here I am between the two Mystery Peppers from Jamie. I suspect the mother to be a Tree Hab and pops is a Goat's Weed...

and here is my Manzano shrub...with the 18# Birgit's on the far right of the pic... I showed you mine!!! Time to show yours!
Really nice pics of the Brigit's locoto i wish I had the same weather as you guys in Calif, Texas and Florida so I could plant my Garden earlier.
I went out to my Garden that is at my Sister,s home its a small garden but it feeds 10 people, to bad I'm the only one that is able to do any garden work despite my health problems, I was able to take some pics of my poor Brigit's locotos they haven't grown much, but its still early and fall is still aways off. So here they are.
  I have my Brigit's in pots, as I didn't have room in the garden as I used a large part for my other hot peppers funny thing my biggest plant is in a 5 gallon bucket I might transplant it in a larger container, but I will see how it goes as I would hate to put it through any stress while its growing.
Here is my squad of little Birgit's....biggest is about 10-12"
Maybe in the heat of the summer they might grow faster....maybe....

Here is the biggest one.

stc3248 said:
That's a Machete in the ground right behind the plant Denniz...just better get to it before I do! Porter won't hurt ya...but he'll let me know you're here!  :rofl:
Is the machete there to scare the plant into growing faster?....hahahahhaha
Pepper-Guru said:
Do you have those planted under a tree?
Yep, I figured if they get big enough I can tie them to the tree... It gets super windy here, and I also thought the afternoon shade might help them too.....The tree's roots go down deep, so I figured the top layers of soil were good for the peppers....
Here is the largest one 12" tall... actually has a pod

Things tend to grow slow here this time of year, but later on will pick up steam and in the fall they should be a decent size.