contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Weekend update time...

My 18 gallon is still cruising right along...up 5" to an even 60"...

The big movers were the inground plants...never mind the ghetto mulch goin on...

The original inground plant is up 7.5" from last week!!! Woot! Over 5' tall! Won't be long and I will be looking up at these trees!
Happy Saturday Errybody!
Pepper-Guru said:
Looking great guys! Very tall plants! Mine is just now going anywhere. Will post pics in the morning :) Im probably at like 30 inches or so. 

Are yall pruning the bottom!!!???
I was at first to try to make it go up...but I am gonna let what happens happen from here on out. I think letting a little side growth happen will thicken up the stalks some.  Still a long season ahead...and I know you always got something up your sleeve. What was it a 65 gallon grow bag you put your in? I think I know where all your growth is happening!
 My little guy has actually doubled in size in the last two weeks. But watch out I have a feeling with all this rain  ;)  this joker  is going to get huge. I also put two more small guys in the dirt . 


 No need for a ruler for these guys yet  :rolleyes:
Third guy is really small but he will love his new dwelling  :dance:

Hellz yea!!!  :dance:
Turn my back for a minute and everyone is bustin out their babies!  :dance: I love it!! 
Great looking plant Jim!! :high:
and Jamie ,yours has finally busted loose!!! 
Gary is just sittin back laughin tho!! He knows how big his will be in a few weeks!!  :cool:
I see a tight race once this heat kicks in good! 
highalt said:
Jamie, don't let Shane intimidate you!  You keep right on posting those pics  ... 'cause your the only one that's got a plant shorter than mine!!!  :rofl:
Found a pod on mine today! :dance:
ya romy.... dont let shane or Jon.. or even down i mean.. look down on your cute plant
Mine are still 2 feet behind you all, but we are getting nice 80F and above with some rain, tomorrow if its nice I'll takes some more pics. Next month I will get some Blood and Bone meal and some more soil to get some of the ones in smaller pots put into larger ones although the smaller pots are 5 gallon buckets I may just let them stay there,  I do have one in a 2 gallon pot I may put it in a 5 gallon pot along with plenty of blood and bone meal , none of the stores  Ace, Walmart, and MFA  just have the very basic soil mixes for sell and miracle grow for their top fertilizer, So I'll stick to plain old Blood & Bone meal, unless I can get one of then to order some Fish and Kelp Fertilizer for me. I might get MFA to get me some soil minerals to boost my soil some, I'm really getting to the point to where I hate living in a small town.
Everything is starting to bloom, so even though I got a slow start my plants are not to far behind the super growers with 5 foot tall plants, I plan to keep all the flowers and pods picked off my Birgits Locotos till August that way they will keep growing and not slow down because of flowering and producing pods.
Pepper-Guru said:
Would be REALLY cool for us to choose certain plants to do nothin to, while others we constantly pick flowers. Determine difference, if any, in terms of growth rates, structure, etc.
There is so much to be learned. Sometimes you will see two people using the same medium,pots,nutrients and one person will have success and the other struggle. A lot of times it comes down to the tiniest variable that seperates a great plant from an ugly one. Kind of deep into this season,but I am down for this kind of stuff for the future.

A lot of conflicting info on whether to pick off buds or pods on young plants. Every year there are multiple threads started. We know that chiles will veg/flower at the same time as long as they are getting what they need. Last year I had one of my nicest starts set a couple early pods at the first fork,eventually it went south but I left those pods on. This plant was in the same ground with my other plants that were getting the same treatment,but dropping flowers like crazy. They passed it up but after it's early pods matured and I picked them,it caught back up.

My growdown plants are putting out pods like crazy. I see some plants here that are way healthier than mine that don't have as many pods.Some are a lot taller,some a lot fuller. It gets my gears grinding. I'm glad you brought this up Guru. I would be willing to sport the seeds for any experiments you or anybody else comes up with.

I'm on board with you two...I have four different things going on right now, and while I hate to show my hand with so long to go in the contest, I will. Basically two got secondary growth trimmed and debudding (the main in ground and 18 gallon tote), one had all secondary growth trimmed and I cut off one of the first primary forks only letting only one fork grow. the last one I only trimmed secondary growth below the first fork with no debudding. it has as many pods as yours and is really bushy. They're all withing 8" of each other at this point. Like you said would think that one method or another would show a clear advantage, but I am not so sure. Only time will tell??? I was contemplating depodding/debudding the one I let pod up to see what happens, but I think I will just let it be for now. 3 of the 4 are now in the same plot all getting the same water schedule from the same soaker ring, so any advantages there will be evident. I'll keep y'all posted...ish. :rofl:
I used to pick early flowers off my plants, attempting to go along with the notion that "it puts more energy into growing", after a decade or so of experimenting, Ive found it doesn't work that way with peppers. I've learned to leave them alone and they end up much larger and able to produce much more. Also, While pruning (topping) may change the apparent structure of a pepper plant in the short term, in the long run, a healthy plant is going to node out from node, from node, from node, no matter what you do. I still choose one plant to pick on though, sort of like my mad science experiment for the season, if you will. A sacrafice. Being a part of the cannabis cultivation scene, I can confidently say most of these manipulation techniques (mainly for indoor purposes) have crossed from that world into this pepper world. The end truth is plants arent the same. Still, messing around is fun, so we do what we do, whether or not it makes any damn bit of difference! lol