contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

SanPatricio said:
OH Crap :censored: --THAT HURTS! :onfire: ,  my big mouth shot me in the foot !!
Pepper-Guru and Desert Chris both DESTROY me by my own measuring system --- DUH !!  :doh: 
SanPatricio said:
OH Crap :censored: --THAT HURTS! :onfire: ,  my big mouth shot me in the foot !!
Pepper-Guru and Desert Chris both DESTROY me by my own measuring system --- DUH !!  :doh: 
Hahahaha, too funny!!! Bonnie definately has everyone beat in that measuring system!!
OK, so I have 22 Birgit's plants, average of 12" tall, so if Denniz grafts them together for me, that would be a nice 22 feet tall.....hahahahha
I kept thinking my tallest was 12" tall, but went and actually measured today and a few of them are a whopping 17"
My Birgit put on a growth spurt and I thought maybe I'm in the contest.??..  Then when she hit 50"+, she went into a branching craze, developed a
canopy (like my Habs) with blossoms and pods abundant.   If the taste is as good as I have read, we will all be 'winners' :party:  no matter what the height of individual plants.  I am now happy that I did not prune my plant to a single stem.  :dance: 
Had a time finding our glog here, I managed to get over to my garden despite not feeling very well. I have 4 plants all about 31 inches except for one small one at 14 inches i decided that it could share its 5 gallon bucket with a C. cardenasii that i started awhile back. My biggest plant at about 32 inches is in a 30 gallon container that i planted some basil in it to see if they would repeal insects like aphids so far it is working to a degree although I have dusted with D.E. with a little seven dust mixed in I found that if i put 1 Tbs. seven dust to 1 cup of D.E. it works real good on squash and stink bugs.
  second runner up
 and at 3rd place
 Didn't  have any help so The photo's are just the tops of the plants so at point you will have to take my word that its at the 31 inch mark so its slowly starting to grow.
I will post again in a couple days showing the plants in their containers with a tape measure next to the plant.   I do feel a bit better seeing some of the more Northern Birgit's locotos I was thinking I was dead last,  but it looks like I'm just in 9th place out of 10. With a couple growth spurts and i could move to 5th place. Ha!
Aight folks...I'M BACK AT HOME!!! My Birgits didn't miss me at all! They're loving life and moving right along! I will need a ladder to measure them propperly, which is a great feeling! For now I just snapped a few pics. 

My plants are putting on a few pods!!! 

Even have a few dozen coloring up! 

Here is my one and only container plant left...she ain't too shabby! Close to 7' still and just putting out tons of new branches. Strange how this one shifted gears. All the new growth has much smaller leaves and it's not gaining much height.

The trio of in-ground plants is a different story. They're really climbing! Hard to tell from this angle, but the top of the pole is 8' and one branch is almost there. The tallest has overtaken my corn!!! The ring of tape is 7' even...

This image is a little deceiving too...this is the tallest shoot. 



Finally here I am at 6' plus my reach...Amazing plants!!! Freaking beasts!
Aight errybody...that's it for now! Hope yours are growing well for you!
Nice action Shane. Glad you made it home safe. I was gonna show my guy but I will wait now . Let someone else follow that up like JB, Rich or Gary. Just amazing :dance:
  I was reluctant to show my guys but after seeing poor Denniz's plants( sorry Denniz not trying to rub it in) it is the least I can do. It is really struggling with the extreme heat and humidity. Damn aphids are multiplying like bunnies and it got to this guy. Just needs to hold on for about two months then come September it should get it's but back in gear. Thank goodness this contest goes till Halloween. Biggest plant is about 43 inches. Give or take an inch. 
Wow there are some BIG Birgit's out there, checked my plants today and they have grown a couple more inches and are podding up, I think I will tie mine up a bit and give them some more ferts to get them back in the growing mode. the pods do look tasty I do have a orange Aji that is almost as tall as the Birgit's I will have to tie it up and stake it, along with my Bishop hat as they are starting to lean over, Last year I didn't have them caged or staked and we had some 60 mile a hour straight line winds come through and snapped off limbs and whole plants right at ground level I hope that we don't get them this year too.
The worse thing was the winds broke off tall the limbs on my favorite peach tree that was full of peaches I ended up cutting all the broken limbs off and harvesting 50 pounds of green peaches, now it will take another 3 years to grow back into a strong tree again.
Don't have a recent pic, but my plant seems to have stalled out around 2 1/2', so I guess I'm in last place now.   :mope:
On the bright side, it is starting to load up on pods.   
Aight...weekend update time! My biggest contender grew about 8" this week...but my container plant is pulling an armac surprise and bushing out. 

Will finally be able to pull some ripe pods!!!

Had to bust out the ladder and make an addition to my original stake...duct tape+bamboo=another 5' to work with!

I made tape marks at 8, 9 and 10'...Moving right along!
Happy Saturday errybody! See you all in another week!