contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Forgot who mentioned it...maybe Pr0d? Here is the spot he was talking about...

This Bishop's Crown is at 8' in the picture (a little over 2.5m) This plant eventually topped 12'. Only problem is I don't trust this spot due to potential virus infected soil. I have a nearby spot I am eyeballing, but it doesn't have 3 years of prep and organic material infused....YET! This is goint to be fun!

Hydro may take it, and the right container can work too, but the right spot in the right dirt is hard to beat!
Screw it! If there are any seeds left I'm in. Not enough Texas representatives. Late getting started, but I can grow it and have something frightening by Halloween.
Okay I think anyone and everyone that wanted to join has done so I am closing the offer early due to no reason other than I is :rofl:

Actually we have way more participants than we ever exspected which is a good thing and since the start date is next week it is time to start sowing some Birgits!!!!!! So far Tex 16 is the only one that I know of that has not sent Kevin his addy. Tex we know how fast you can grow a plant but still need your addy ;)

Final list ( let me know if i missed anyone)

Don Lava
San Patricio
3/5 King

:party: Okay now lets see who can grow the tallest plant. Winner takes all. 2nd place is just the first looser. :party:

Keep us posted on when you get the seeds . I know a few of you already have some. Noah,Bonnie, Gary and myself.
And I have tons if we run out. Are measuring actual height off the ground, as in they should be supported? Or will longest branches count?
I guess as long as you can measure it it will count. Not many of us have a 17 foot stake. So I say go with it. Tallest/longest. As long as all the participants agree. I myself will be looking for a twenty foot stake ;)

Oh and the fire dept to bring the boom truck to do the final measurment :woohoo:
Haha Jamie... Only reason I say vertical measurement is that it makes it more difficult to grow a plant that size,staking,gravity,broken limbs,and it is way cooler to look at!!!!!

Edit: I've never grown a plant that tall so it might be too hard to measure it that way. See what the consensus is.
got the seeds... took me 1hr to figure out who sent it to me... im like birgit locoto... did a search on it.. first to pop was Pson's glog and i saw his list and mentioned the "GROW DOWN" thanks PSoN..... wouldve never figured it out.. now to get them going in the aero... next week that is... so the 16th???