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contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

I think I quit...just too much pressure. Look at Denniz' plants...they're already half grown! Damn...can't compete with all this pro stuff.

Nevermind...things are looking up on my end...just scored this new hydro system.

photo creds: http://www.bestourism.com/items/di/293?title=Niagara-Falls-in-USA&b=42
I can't quite figure what is going on with the Locoto seeds, they have been treated the same way I treat all my seeds edges roughed and a 1% peroxide & water mix soak, I have about 20 seedlings up and growing and not one Locoto yet. I will keep watch, but it looks like they are going to take their time, they went into the soil on the 16th and not one greenie yet. I have 12 seeds in the soil one at least has to come up soon. :confused:

Same here: not a sign. Same treatment. Oh well . . . :confused: :rofl:
It is official. I have a hook. Will post a pic this weekend :dance:

See, Jamie: I put da vodun on ya! Anything else-else you want from de Aunite Anancy Annie? :D Actually, I think I have one as well, but could be my eyes. Not gonna look for couple days in event of disappointment. And :oops: . Okay, off to play them more Mike Zito! Congrats shug!