contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Going to try and get some rechargable batteries today so I can add some pics,  starting to cool down and the way the weathers been
we could get a light frost anytime. Love those monster plants, mine are holding about 3 1/2 and 4 feet tall and slowing down as the night temps are in the 50's and days right around 70F during the day some times a little warmer.
Its Bill day for me  so I will be going to town then back to the garden I promissed my 91 year old mom I would make her a Green Tomato pie.So I will be doing that and drying Peppers. 
Had a bunch of Bhuts and 7 pot Infinities to deseed and put in the dehydrator
last night , boy does my apartment smell of peppers, you opem the door and Wham you get a big blast of pepper fumes.
Don't know it she'll stand the night...winds at or near 100mph are ripping shingles off the house and have already tossed all my container plants onto their sides...BIG containers. Still dark here but went out to survey the damage and the big boy is still standing, but being tossed from side to side...may be it for mine tonight. Wind will stay in place for another 36 hours...
Its the Santa Anna's...really kicking and I am just at the base of the mountains in a wide canyon where the winds are focused.
Things are CRAZY out there!!! :rofl:



Only total loss so far is the Bubble Gum...snapped off at the base... :violin:

Blurry because the wind was still whipping...the ladder tried to take him out, but he's still standing tall!!! That Steel pipe I used as a stake is doing its job. Finally had a week with some really good growth too...trying to hold off John and his mutant late charge! Hope my plant stands tall...even if it does this contest will be decided by just a couple inches. Crazy how such a long contest taking place over such vastly different climates can come down to the wire and be so close...very cool. 
Hard for me to complain too much when a large part of the country is under several feet of snow, tornado watches are in effect in the midwest and there's a tropical storm making landfall on the gulf coast...hope everyone is ok out there!!!
Looks like your plants took a hit, sorry bout that....    My straggler turned sprinter grew another 10 inches since my last update.  I moved it outside for the final stretch!!!
Sorry about the frown my 14 year old was aggravating me with his picture taking abilities, or should I say lack of?   He did good for a rookie, 102 is the stretched height.
 Not bad Rodney. That plant is like a giant vine. We have 17 days until I announce a winner. Looks like Shae and John have a good foothold on the competition with Rodney close behind. Not sure what Rich has up his sleeve but I would not count him out. 
 I think I may when the longest lived Birgit but that don't get ya shat  ;)
Last pic I will post. maybe a strong 7th or 8th place specimen :confused: 

Shane I hope your plants survived the winds. Just in case what was your tallest measurement ? 
JB how is your plant doing?
Rich were u at ? 
Haha...she survived but the wind did take a little off the top. She's just over 11' now.

This pic was taken just after the wind was over last weekend. The bottom edge of the tape is 11'. She's moving pretty good now too, so a bit taller this. We shall see who wins...I would put my money on John!!!
I will be yanking mine out this week,maybe today. Frost won't be here for atleast 10 days but I need to get stuff cleaned up and make time for other activities.

Another giant, Cumari Verdadeira. Plant only got around 5' tall but 11' wide atleast. Incredible plant!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you like monsters,praetermissums are what you want to grow.


This was a really fun contest,thanks to Jamie and Kevin. Next season we need to do some other stuff,maybe biggest pod or total yield # ??
 Awesome update JB. That Cumari is sick !!!! Maybe next year we will do largest overall plant.  With a few categories like largest pod and biggest yield. Make it a 3 part deal ? 
 So Shane is at 132 inches. Looking like a winner winner chicken dinner. Unless JB or Rich surprise us  :shh:
Still 16 days left :fireball:
Ok...probably my final update on the Birgits. Not a lot of action over here for this close to the finish line??? Here is the pic...

Don't mind the belly...I been eating pretty good lately! :rofl:  I was hoping the photo would be a little clearer so you could make out the measurement, but she's at exactly 11' 3" or 135."
Ton of fun, and win, lose or draw, the most important thing is I learned some great lessons. I will attempt a better picture if necessary...
Let's see how everyone else is doing?????
That's a winner! No way I'm even close to that in height. I ended up untying her from the bamboo tripod because it just wasn't stable enough. I'll snap a photo ASAP. Great plants guys! So is there a deadline? I assumed it was just everyone's last measurements before chop.
 Nice Shane. I don't see anyone hanging with you. We will get the prizes out to you after Halloween. Unless somebody is lurking . Don't see that happening my friend. I really enjoyed this thread . Hopefully next year we can make it even more fun. Thanks to the few that actually joined in and actually posted pics even if they were not up to John"s, Shane's, and Riches level like myself.  :party:
 My looser plant is finally growing  :rolleyes: Hopefully it will continue for years to come . 

4 days and the prize is yours. Unless.................  :shh:  Some steps up HUGE  :drooling:
What a TREE John! Crazy freakin plant! I got some thoughts about next year...I would like to grow out the Romy Mystery X Goat's Weed. The two I grew got to about 6' in a 10# container. I don't think they'll grow taller than the freakish birgits...but they do grow tall. The only other "Reach for the Sky" variety I have grown is a Bishop's crown...another Baccatum. Whatever is decided I am down!!!
Man shane just squeaked by . That is crazy JB . If you live anywhere else I bet your plant would have hit 14 or 15 feet plus. 
Have  a great halloween. I will post Shane's trophy and prizes Friday.  :party: