contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

The three I put outside under the big HPS in the sky are starting to figure things out...some are quicker learners than others. They are doing very well though, so you can take your "one horse" to the glue factory. The fact that john has a plant at all should make everyone nervous! This is a long grueling race...with certain wind, hail, late frost, pest, pet and rouge neighbors to deal with before the finish line...
The three I put outside under the big HPS in the sky are starting to figure things out...some are quicker learners than others. They are doing very well though, so you can take your "one horse" to the glue factory. The fact that john has a plant at all should make everyone nervous! This is a long grueling race...with certain wind, hail, late frost, pest, pet and rouge neighbors to deal with before the finish line...

"Big HPS in the sky" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

 My contender. The boy outside has not shown me he is picture worthy yet  ;)
In the interest of full disclosure, I present the following photo for your consideration.  What you see will most assuredly be the future throne of the Growdown Throwdown champion. El Campio del Mundo, the most terrible, Rogue Aji Chuncho.  Lest you should choke from snickering at the appearance of such a small, extra-terrestrial throne, I assure you, it is a complete deception.  The "throne" has no bottom!  That's right!!  The bottom was cut out by yours truly prior to being strategically placed in the Rogue Raised Bed of Terror.  Within the noble throne, is a city of teaming microorganisms of one mind, one mind to produce the optimum environment whereby the Rogue Aji Chuncho may unleash his awestruck glory. 
Yes Denniz but you a cheater tank like myself so you will quickly surpass those dirt growers  ;)  But they will get us in the end  :rolleyes:
I potted up amy Chuncho that was in the Aero . His roots were sucking up all the water and nutes 

Now let Mother Nature control the rest 
romy6 said:
Yes Denniz but you a cheater tank like myself so you will quickly surpass those dirt growers  ;)  But they will get us in the end  :rolleyes:
I potted up amy Chuncho that was in the Aero . His roots were sucking up all the water and nutes 

Now let Mother Nature control the rest 
An awesome specime, man! I'd like to see a photo from Poway. I think he's ducking us!