contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

stc3248 said:
Summer highs are at or above 100 for most of July and August...and some of September. I use some cheese cloth to shade the ones in full sun all day. This spot gets only about 4 or 5 hours direct...all early and late. The heat of the day it is filtered through trees. 
Yeah...probably too soon, but my schedule dictates when I can get stuff done. By the way, I broke out the Fatamango and Strawberry Strain jams you sent in last year's prize package...WOW, that is some fan-freakin-tastic stuff! I had relatives in town and everyone raved about it. A little apprehensive at first...especially with the Strawberry Strain, but neither was too hot at all. Even the heat-haters were impressed and went back for more! Thanks brotha!!! 
Awesome! Glad you liked them! Have you tried the smoked powder or the vintage sauce yet?
Wow, I'm way behind. Guess that's what happens when life gets busy and I'm never on the forums really.  I'm in on this one, though ironically, Aji Chuncho is the only one on my growlist that keeps refusing to live for more than a month.  Looks like I'm starting new seeds again today.
highalt said:
Will wonders ever cease?  I was about to throw in the towel, but lo and behold, I saw a hook this morning.  I'll get a pic up soon.  
millworkman said:
I think the key for this type is to get pissed and threaten to start new seeds. They feel the pressure and pop just like that.
Too true, mine didn't come up as expected, but they finally did!
Twins I guess.
Beautiful Walt! 
Mine has curled up and looks like hell!
another week or 2 and he will get his shoes on! 

Thanks Kev!! I have mine under LEDs, but at first it did have curled leaves and the bottom leaves also yellowed out and fell, but now it's picking up ;).

I don't think I'll win tho, this one is most likely gonna be in a pot (I have no space to plant in the ground). Well who knows, the reason I joined was to have fun with y'all. :party:


Puts mine to shame Walt!
They sure are bashful when I try and get some light to them, as Kevin said, they curl up.

Lol Scott!! I bet yours is gonna go into overdrive once it gets in the dirt ;).

Is Aji chuncho a wild or semi? I've heard they don't like too much fertilizer either.

Nice looking plants everyone! :fireball:

Newly potted up and ready to explode. From the bottom, the contest winner, 1st runner up and 2nd runner up.

I put them directly under the MH bulb so they get plenty of light. 600 watts of power flowing into these plants. :dance:
Anyone else who wants winners, I recommend putting a HID 600 or 1000 watt bulb no more than 2" away for maximum light absorption.
In the interest of full disclosure, I present the following photos.  These are not intended to dissuade anyone from continuing his or her own pursuit of dubious glory, but rather, to prevent anyone from public ignominy.  This has now, truly, become a one horse race.  This realization began when I entered the Rogue Grow Arena this afternoon, and discovered the future champion Rogue Aji Chuncho to be a trifle wan.  I knew immediate action was necessary, so, I exposed the Rogue Aji Chuncho's manhood, and discovered Him to be in need of more room, so to speak.

His secret diet...

My own home brewed diet!

Ground monkey's paw, eye of newt, etc...

In full regalia, El Campeon!

Now, you may be wondering, "what is that white stuff?"  It is quite simply, ice and snow.  The Rogue Aji Chuncho generates such intense heat, that he requires sub-freezing temps to thrive.  I, therefore, strongly suggest you do the same with your entrants, if you would have any chance whatsoever of placing second, or third.