contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

We had an "issue" late in the afternoon and we seem to have lost 17 hours.
So here's my tallest one.
Motivated by the threat of being sheared off at the ground, "the most terrible Rogue Aji Chuncho" has chosen life, and has begun a slow, but steady, upward growth.  Enlisting the aid of a pair of local doves, foliar feeding has also begun.

Towering to a stately 16".

In a single person poll (me), "the most terrible Rogue Aji Chuncho" has been voted to be...
"America's Chuncho".  Please stand.
"America's Chuncho" vs. The Pimp Hand...coming soon to a backyard near you...I got one about that tall Kev...

Finally starting to outgrow it's "companion" onions and nasturtiums...I also got a few a bit taller, like this one...

They're starting to pick up some speed with the nights warming up a bit...I was just a smidge worried for about a half second, but it's on now. I may not win, but like Big John Pr0d, I'll keep y'all guessing. I have 3 or 4 others somewhere out there, kinda hard to find them in the sea of weeds I got going on. 
Okay, so "America's Chuncho" appears to be toast. I was more than leery of the defending Champ who likes to lie in the weeds, and then drop Fat Boy photos like these on us. It has also not gone unnoticed the nature of his photos, i.e., chunchos growing from amidst the under growth, as if he merely walked out in the back yard one day like Johnny Appleseed, tossed a few seeds into the under growth, and simply let nature runs its course. There's a devilish design behind this, I tell you! I am not fooled by it!!
Officially pulling my chuncHO from the contest. Apparently my pimp hand is more like a flaccid pe..... eeehhhhhh...

I typically would hold 3 or 4 plants for this contest but felt good about the lone plant I kept. Turns out I was sorely mistaken. Bag genes,bad growing practices? Not really sure what all has gone on with this plant but it has been a nightmare. I didn't think I sucked this bad.

I planted grass in my inground spot and will be giving a lot of plants away,I really don't have time to deal with all of them. The chuncho still has time to be a decent plant but no chance contending with the brutes you guys have.

Good luck all and I will still be offering up a killer package for the winner.

P.S. I have a definite plant for next years contest. It will give the Birgit a run for it's money if not pass it by. I am isolating seed and will try to post a pic at the end of the season.
Pr0digal_son said:
Officially pulling my chuncHO from the contest. Apparently my pimp hand is more like a flaccid pe..... eeehhhhhh...

I typically would hold 3 or 4 plants for this contest but felt good about the lone plant I kept. Turns out I was sorely mistaken. Bag genes,bad growing practices? Not really sure what all has gone on with this plant but it has been a nightmare. I didn't think I sucked this bad.
It's not you.
I have 7 or 8, I'll only post the one...LOL
Don't give up. We all know you have the skills!
Devv said:
It's not you.
I have 7 or 8, I'll only post the one...LOL
Don't give up. We all know you have the skills!
I grew it a couple years ago, I would be pissed if it was a first time for me. Grass is growing in my garden spot so I am out of room officially. The plant is not growing good roots,that is a must for this contest. I have left no stone unturned. Repotted,pH perfect water,the works. No big deal,too much going on right now and I bit off way more than I can chew this year.
Pepper-Guru said:
What's wrong? That's about how big mine is, and things are just starting to get growing! Plenty of time left Prodigal!
It was frozen in time. I have never seen anything like it. Not even locked up though,just weird. It was dark green...phosphorous issue?? Baffled. A pot up will usually fix them in a couple weeks if you don't mess with them.Two plants it happened to and both were frutescens. No roots on either plant. I grew a chuncho a couple years back and it was a hunter green stud. I was impressed with it,one of my nicest plants that year.
Pr0digal_son said:
This is a pretty relaxed event. I think people soaked them the night before last year,just plant them on the 14th to be fair.. A soak overnight is not going to change the outcome,it is a marathon of a contest. The only real rule is to post pics,good,bad,or ugly.There was some seed nabbing last year,and that is lame.