contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

wayright said:
What do you tell a ChuncHO with 2 black eyes Nothing,,I already told her twice!    :cool: Kevin
You are a hoopie brother :lol: Have me crying over here.

Pepper-Guru said:
Beautiful looking plants from everyone! This is gonna be one hell of a grow down. So how many of us are letting them do their thing and how many are pinching and training?
:pom poms: I need a cheerleader emoticom!

This is going to be a great show. Initially I did not think anyone would get to double digits in feet. I think we may see a few.

stc3248 said:
I ain't no pinche pincher!!! As far as training...I am going to stake mine, but just enough to keep them going in the right direction and keep the Santa Anna's from knocking them down.
You had the perfect idea with the paracord last year. Your birgy looked like when they net the christmas trees before you buy them.
Didn't realise til just now that my last post disappeared. Oh well. Got back from vacation yesterday, and all my plants have exploded. Unfortunately my chuncho's didn't explode to the extent some of my other plants did. Still nearly doubled in size in a week, so I'm happy there. 
Ugly as hell, but sitting just short of 10 inches
Pepper-Guru said:
Beautiful looking plants from everyone! This is gonna be one hell of a grow down. So how many of us are letting them do their thing and how many are pinching and training?
Well I guess I'm a pinche pincher.
One I just clipped the suckers below the first fork, and that's it for that one. Another I'm getting radical with  as an experiment. The other 5 are just doing their thang.
No training other than to offer support, which I need to do this weekend.
MeatHead1313 said:
Didn't realise til just now that my last post disappeared. Oh well. Got back from vacation yesterday, and all my plants have exploded. Unfortunately my chuncho's didn't explode to the extent some of my other plants did. Still nearly doubled in size in a week, so I'm happy there. 
Ugly as hell, but sitting just short of 10 inches
I wouldn't say ugly as hell ;)
Yall think if I cut all the basal shoot formation ,these ladies would grow faster?  :P
 Well I'm hoping on the one plant. It would stand to reason, less energy wasted on the suckers the taller it gets. My sunshade is at 8', I'm hoping it gets in the way ;)