contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

All you need is one :) 

tylerdodd25_92 said:
I added Nigel to the list! There is now 29 competitors.. This is gonna be one helluva growdown!
What!?  Are you mad??  He's probably already got his little black book out, contacting all of his friends in the science community to produce a monstrous Franken-Chuncho that will make all other entries appear as dwarfs!!  We're all doomed...doomed...
I have a 2 gallon pump sprayer full of roundup and I am right around the corner from Nigel...he ain't gonna win. Spongey's in range too...and in a pinch I could make a trip to Vegas and take out Walt's plant. close are you to Pittsburgh? Someone has got to take out Pr0digal...down south we need someone to take out Guru, Gary and Jamie...hmmm. I got family in NE TX...not too far from NW a lot of friends in FL and SC...I could probably reach out and touch them too. All that being said, can all the contestants please PM me your addy's, I got a surprise for you all. :liar: