contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Daily report:
We had some rather anemic convection SW of town this afternoon.  I was REALLY hoping for some lightning, so that I could properly zap my Pretties to life.  Unfortunately a pretty sunset is all that nature offered. 
Another day, another few millimeters....

Scuba_Steve said:
The pot is 24" wide x 19" tall.  If it were a perfect cylinder that would be 8595.40 in3.  That equates to 37.21g.  Seeing that this is not a perfect cylinder 30g seems about right.

Those are inside dimensions btw...
Well, it sure looks small!  Guessing your picture was taken at a wider focal length than is obvious?
Im just saying... I have a 35 gallon barrel that, from the picxture, I imagine would dwarf that container, but like I said its just the way the fence and angle combine to make it look smaller than it is.  I beleive you if you say its 30 gallons.
Geonerd said:
Daily report:
We had some rather anemic convection SW of town this afternoon.  I was REALLY hoping for some lightning, so that I could properly zap my Pretties to life.  Unfortunately a pretty sunset is all that nature offered. 
Another day, another few millimeters....

Well, it sure looks small!  Guessing your picture was taken at a wider focal length than is obvious?
Beautiful picture btw with the background!
Noah Yates said:
Could be "trade gallons"---- 3 trade gallons is like 1 US gallon, 10 trade gallons is less than 5 US gallons... and so on...  That is certainly not a 30 US gallon pot.

I learned about that the hard way... when I ordered a bunch of "5 gallon pots" that turned out to be like 2.5 US gallons....

I think its really dumb...
No kidding.  That's a nice way to scam people...  Thanks for the warning.
PaulS said:
A future winner is in this cup :)
Well, you officially win the Statistical Outlier Award!  :)

fiogga said:
I'm really digging these photos, you boys have some skills, lovely background Geonerd, it will be interesting to see what's in your lens arsenal
It's more a matter of learning how to drive the $%^$# computer to make it do what you want.  The camera is just a $5 P/S Goodwill Special, but It takes better bug, plant, critter, and 'small' photos than all my digital and film crap put together. 

Scuba_Steve said:
The pot is 24" wide x 19" tall.  If it were a perfect cylinder that would be 8595.40 in3.  That equates to 37.21g.  Seeing that this is not a perfect cylinder 30g seems about right.

Those are inside dimensions btw...
So, it's bigger on the inside?!  How cool is that!?  :D
One of the kings is showing his court, the awakening is happening, trouble ahead. I better go take a photo, this will probably be the only time I've beaten him. What's brewing with king Shane? Running quickly for the camera.

I think mine is bigger (for the moment), but I noticed a new sprout, maybe re-potted too quickly? Happy to see some green.