contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

tctenten said:
I had 4 that made it into the dirt
The first is in a 15 gallon root pouch
The second is in the ground in one of my beds in front of the house
The third and fourth are in the ground in my pepper patch
They ranged from about 8-11 inches.  
love those containers :)
     Here's my main contender. (My raised bed plant is to embarrassing to post pics of right now.) It's been just hanging out for weeks, but the top of it has that look like its just on the verge of exploding. I think it's finally happy with the amount of roots it has in the container and it's going to start putting on some above-ground growth.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
Here's my main contender. (My raised bed plant is to embarrassing to post pics of right now.) It's been just hanging out for weeks, but the top of it has that look like its just on the verge of exploding. I think it's finally happy with the amount of roots it has in the container and it's going to start putting on some above-ground growth.
oh my damn, that thing is about to sky rocket! Look at that base stem. That's when you know your roots are shooting through that medium at an extreme rate. Good job on that soil.
romy6 said:
Only time my ruler will be longer than Kev's  :fireball:
IMG_3805.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
that over winter in the back ground looks good ;)