contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

wayright said:
Sure thing,,PM sent
The LOT seedlings have emerged....finally! lol
Pepper-Guru said:
Sounds like you chose a bad pheno, but there is plenty of over fertilizing in this thread. The leaf you show here is odd. Post the whole plant.
Two years in a row I picked a f**ked up plant,not real happy. I have driven myself nuts turning over stones trying to figure out where I could have made a mistake along the way. I made a couple small adjustments with fertilizer and soil indoors this year to try and improve but nothing drastic.  No harsh hydro or water soluble stuff.  I went with a higher nitrate  vs ammoniacal granular fert for faster results when potting up and for later on when they have to deal with the shit clay I am growing in this year.  Now that the plant is outside,it is still putting out funky new growth.



Noah Yates said:
That is a genetic thing... I made note of it several pages back when my plants were just seedlings.  All of my LOTs display that leaf variagation.
It's strange that our seed sources were different. I think the original source was the same years ago,but different this year.
Pr0digal_son said:
Two years in a row I picked a f**ked up plant,not real happy. I have driven myself nuts turning over stones trying to figure out where I could have made a mistake along the way. I made a couple small adjustments with fertilizer and soil indoors this year to try and improve but nothing drastic.  No harsh hydro or water soluble stuff.  I went with a higher nitrate  vs ammoniacal granular fert for faster results when potting up and for later on when they have to deal with the shit clay I am growing in this year.  Now that the plant is outside,it is still putting out funky new growth.



It's strange that our seed sources were different. I think the original source was the same years ago,but different this year.
I got my seeds from coachspencer, and all of mine had the same thing happening with the leaves early on but no longer show any signs of it.By the way; Your plant is really taking off now!
wayright said:
Got to dip by the garden early today, Spoke a few words of encouragement to my LOT's.
Sunday is Funday

8" this week   


you need to get the weed eater out and get extra close to the base of that plant! :rofl:
It's starting to get bushy....

I only gained 7 inches this weeks, so, you're gaining on me wayright....It's actually only 49 3/4'' tall (funny camera angle)   

I'll measure later today so i can officially say it's 50''
You guys are making some great progress.  Plants are looking really good.  Sorry I have not been posting lately.  Had to put my mother's affairs in order.
Here is my Lrg Orange Thai.  It's maybe 2 feet tall.  I made a mix with moo mure, mushroom compost, some pro-mix and some added nutrients.
Big fail, my plants don't like it, but I'm thinking the fast acting lime could have messed it up too.  I'm looking forward to cooking with some of these peppers.
Roguejim said:
My only hope is that an army of ill-tempered locust will arrive and feast upon these large LOTs I'm seeing. It could happen!
have you ever heard of the xenia tornado of 1974? this small city/town i live, the people and plants will never be the same! xenia; aka, ''devil winds''
romy6 said:
OK most likely this plant will bow down to Chuck,Kev's ,Shane and Rich's beast's( and whomever else I failed to mention )  but for now I will let him Waller in the Florida sunshine . Really impressed with this guy 
IMG_3918.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
 Now my in ground guy I am hoping is a slow learner and will it will get it's shat together any day now  :whistle:
IMG_3921.JPG by James Hill, on Flickr
that one in the container is very nice.