contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Pr0digal_son said:
After 6 inches of rain this week the plant is putting on some yellow and supple growth. Still funky looking but not stunted like it was.
Nice picture of a great plant.
My contestant LOTs are also the largest, tallest, and healthiest pepper plants in my garden currently, but it is only because I have babied them so much.  I am fairly certain that if I had given my black habanero plants the same treatment they would be monsters already.  My plants look very similar to chocolatescotchbonnets in the above pic... that is crazy lateral branching compared to any other variety I have ever grown, with the exception of the jamaican yellow mushroom, which was also really compact.

Just to clarify, I am not butthurt about the variety XD  I am just pointing out that it seems to have a compact growth habbit. :cheers:
Noah Yates said:
My contestant LOTs are also the largest, tallest, and healthiest pepper plants in my garden currently, but it is only because I have babied them so much.  I am fairly certain that if I had given my black habanero plants the same treatment they would be monsters already.  My plants look very similar to chocolatescotchbonnets in the above pic... that is crazy lateral branching compared to any other variety I have ever grown, with the exception of the jamaican yellow mushroom, which was also really compact.

Just to clarify, I am not butthurt about the variety XD  I am just pointing out that it seems to have a compact growth habbit. :cheers:
my soil plant gets 10-11 hrs direct light and got planted way after last frost, the hydro one gets direct light from noon - 6 pm, but when i first put it in that container it only got 3 hrs direct light so it was stretching, before last frost, had a little green house on it, it got down into the 20's, so, i put a little growlight in it. plus recirculating warm water kept it in good shape for those temps.