contest Growdown Throwdown 2016 !!!

+1 on the CPRs being poor quality.... half of my seeds were also cracked/crushed... and the thing is... I actually ordered some of the original ButchT seeds along with some CPR... but instead I received two packs of CPR and no ButchTs.  Since I already had some ButchTs from pepper lover, I decided to not even contact him about it... but, after closely examining the quality of the CPRs while sowing, I am thinking I should send an email.
Noah Yates said:
+1 on the CPRs being poor quality.... half of my seeds were also cracked/crushed... and the thing is... I actually ordered some of the original ButchT seeds along with some CPR... but instead I received two packs of CPR and no ButchTs.  Since I already had some ButchTs from pepper lover, I decided to not even contact him about it... but, after closely examining the quality of the CPRs while sowing, I am thinking I should send an email.
I had the BTR too. They were in great shape. I was going to contact him if none of them germed, but fortunately, a few did.
I hate to be a party pooper, but I just checked to see if any of my growdown seeds had hooked yet and I noticed tiny little white things crawling on the surface of the soil (really tiny, I could barely see them).

I haven't seen them on any of my other plants that are in the same potting mix. In fact, I have never these these before in my life. They don't look like fungus gnat larvae, these are much smaller. Any idea what they could be?

Is is possible that these pests came with the seeds? Is that even a thing?

Whatever they are, I wasn't taking any chances of them spreading to my other pots, so I binned them. :-(
Big Kahuna said:
I hate to be a party pooper, but I just checked to see if any of my growdown seeds had hooked yet and I noticed tiny little white things crawling on the surface of the soil (really tiny, I could barely see them).

I haven't seen them on any of my other plants that are in the same potting mix. In fact, I have never these these before in my life. They don't look like fungus gnat larvae, these are much smaller. Any idea what they could be?

Is is possible that these pests came with the seeds? Is that even a thing?

Whatever they are, I wasn't taking any chances of them spreading to my other pots, so I binned them. :-(
no there would be no pest with the seeds. The members giving us seeds for the growdown are trustworthy and most should be viable. Pics please. You are probably seeing springtails, but yet again we need pics.
Sorry, no pics. The pot went in the garbage. The bugs were so small I doubt I could have captured them with my camera anyway.

I will try sowing some more seeds in fresh soil, hopefully I'll have more luck this time.
 Guys I am starting to think maybe we are dealing with a bad batch of seeds. I have had about 12 seeds in my aerogarden  and not even a crack in the casing . We will give it a little more time but we may have to change varieties . That is gonna suck but we will make it right  :mope: We are considering using Peruvian Serlano another amazing tasting pepper . 
We will PM you the details if and when the time comes . As soon as you receive the new seeds you can sow them  :rolleyes:
Yeah, I have no signs of life either, but then again I am having bad germination rates across thee board this season... my chinenses were sown on Feb 1 and as of right now I only have approximately 60% germination of those.  The second wave was sown on Feb 14 along with the Aji Christals  and so far only one quarter of that wave has popped ;-/   I attribute it to the soil I am using (loose bags of pro-mix), which I got on sale from a nursery that was going out of business and thus trying to get rid of their entire stock.. Usually I get fresh compressed bales of thee same soil with excellent results, but this stuff is giving me unacceptable germ rates and is crusting with algae at a record pace.  :snooty: