Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!


I notice a very slight leaf curl beginning on that one Pepper-guru.
Both on mine are doing it...slightly more dramatic though.....I moved everything under the HID's 2 days ago.
The two LD's are the only ones doing this out of 58 seedlings so far.
I do believe the leaf curl could be lack of calcium....will be adding a light dose of cal-mag next water cycle.
Masher said:
I notice a very slight leaf curl beginning on that one Pepper-guru.
Both on mine are doing it...slightly more dramatic though.....I moved everything under the HID's 2 days ago.
The two LD's are the only ones doing this out of 58 seedlings so far.
I do believe the leaf curl could be lack of calcium....will be adding a light dose of cal-mag next water cycle.
Nah. I just transplanted them so, a little shock displayed due to probably nipping some root tips & they just went under MH from cfl. Give me a few days and this plant will double in size. There's about 7 years of calcium/egg/shellfish/bone in my compost :)
Masher said:
I notice a very slight leaf curl beginning on that one Pepper-guru.
Both on mine are doing it...slightly more dramatic though.....I moved everything under the HID's 2 days ago.
The two LD's are the only ones doing this out of 58 seedlings so far.
I do believe the leaf curl could be lack of calcium....will be adding a light dose of cal-mag next water cycle.
That Cal-Mag is WAAAY overpriced.  Just get some calcium hydroxide powder from the pool supply store and sprinkle generously over the leaves and soil.  Your curled leaves will soon be a thing of the past!  :D
Geonerd said:
That Cal-Mag is WAAAY overpriced.  Just get some calcium hydroxide powder from the pool supply store and sprinkle generously over the leaves and soil.  Your curled leaves will soon be a thing of the past!   :D
I have a bottle I purchased 5 yrs ago that was 1.5 qts ($15) has about 1/4 of the contents remaining.
I rarely use it...just to give a quick boost in liquid form for immediate uptake.
I will have to look into the Ch powder though :cheers: