Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

Geonerd said:
Wow, this new N based fertilizer I'm using is working GREAT.   :D
The plants are growing well and are already so heavy I need to support them with steel cables!
I bet the pods will weight at least 4 or 5 ounces each!   :party:

Way to expensive for my blood, Ill stick with succubus blood and unicorn spit :hell:
stettoman said:
Wow, I'm going to have to go with superior bushing action. My little guy is about a third of that last pic.
Tell me about it.  My fellow has recovered from his bout of sunburn, but is nowhere remotely as tall and vigorous as those monsters.  
The evenings are rapidly warming, and I expect (hope to hell!) that the end of 50's lows will stimulate all my plants to get with the program.
Here are a few of my entries so far. They're about 2' tall now and flowering. The one I topped is only 12" but much bushier. I have 10 total but these 5 were easier to get to. The odd coloring is due to the HPS lights.

I now have 85 various Hot peppers in 6" pots and Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Snow Peas and several types of Beans going as well. Virtually all of the pepper plants are flowering now .. it's just crazy in the Greenhouse this year.

Smashburn said:
Here are a few of my entries so far. They're about 2' tall now and flowering. The one I topped is only 12" but much bushier. I have 10 total but these 5 were easier to get to. The odd coloring is due to the HPS lights.

I now have 85 various Hot peppers in 6" pots and Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Snow Peas and several types of Beans going as well. Virtually all of the pepper plants are flowering now .. it's just crazy in the Greenhouse this year.


If it is too chaotic in the greenhouse, Let me know, Ill bring my truck out and take it off your hands HAHAHAHA,
Very nice looking plants. Good luck and Happy Growing.
I'm always amazed by the cool grow stuff I see on here!

This is the top of my second biggest plant - over 27"
several days ago. Has the most flowers:

Some of the flowers are producing pollen (same for Scorpions):

Guess what I see?

Sorry the focus is less than optimal - the iPhone 
camera is nice but has its limitations:

Keep up the good work everyone!  Can't wait to
see what folks post over the weekend!