Gave the old lady a major trimming, a lot of new growth already.

Really beautiful canopies on those LDs, Jeremy - reflects good care and living conditionsColdSmoke said:
Three Aji Lemon Drop...I gave my other one to the guys at the grow shop; it's in good hands. Should be a lot of yellow pods this year.
Devv said:Plus 1 on 683!
#2 below
Hmm, I don't envy you the agony of having to choose...I got the one, and that baby's bushin' up and pumpin' out flower buds like crazy.Pepper-Guru said:Here they are, the team I had to chose from...
And here she is, the one...
Good luck boys!
I believe I said you choose BEFORE your first harvest and no later than that, naturally. You can stand in the garden looking at them and take all the time you want, but you must choose your plant before you harvest them. Then which ever you chose, that's your first weigh in.Devv said:That's the deal. You choose when you put them in their final pot/dirt, whatever. But, you don't want to miss out on weighing early pods...
Pepper-Guru said:
Plants can be chosen anytime from now up to before your first harvest, but not after the harvest. So yeah, sit there in the garden, drink a few, get a real hard look at your plants, choose "the one" and then harvest it. Weigh it and post it. No pod countin' either
dennish said:Here's my plant now moved up to 3l 'deep' penultimate pot. Started to bud now too...