Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

Gave the old lady a major trimming, a lot of new growth already.
Wow, outside in a big pot in the sun!  Way to go brother   :party:
Podding up in grand style, too!  Now I'm skeerd     :shocked:
I have a few pods like the little ones in your picture above.
Will be watching to see what I have to look forward to   :drooling:
Good growin', Scott!
Pepper-Guru said:
Here they are, the team I had to chose from...

And here she is, the one...

Good luck boys! 
Hmm, I don't envy you the agony of having to choose...I got the one, and that baby's bushin' up and pumpin' out flower buds like crazy.

So, how do you keep the losers from getting despondent for being passed over?
Devv said:
That's the deal. You choose when you put them in their final pot/dirt, whatever. But, you don't want to miss out on weighing early pods...
I believe I said you choose BEFORE your first harvest and no later than that, naturally. You can stand in the garden looking at them and take all the time you want, but you must choose your plant before you harvest them. Then which ever you chose, that's your first weigh in.
Not sure who is on the list but I'm competing. Devv sente seeds, my one year old got to the starting tray, I had 2 sprout, one that's growing so looks like I have a seriously hard decision to make, do I choose the one that's alive or the 4 that aren't....... I'll take the live one. Seems like a more positive decision lol