Now, clearly I'm in the lead:
And the aphids are gone to boot!

The plant DID look like this:
See, what had happened was... I got tired of it sitting on my porch, and tough love worked for the first YBS that I kicked into raw sunlight, and it went from one of the smallest to probably the biggest in no time after a few sad looking days. So I kicked them ALL out. This one ended up losing all of it's leaves slowly over the course of a week or so. It has little baby leaves starting to grow, at least.
Here is day 2 or 3 in the sun (~2 weeks ago):
And the others given the same treatment, same day:
(nope, the tiny one didn't make it)
It's a little hard to make out (thanks to my stellar photo skills and lack of grass cutting), but the one in my homemade fabric pot got a little chewed on, but has exploded in new growth, and the pre-existing leaves started to get much bigger:
The one in solo cup is doing okay, though I didn't bother getting any better pic of it.
This one is probably my front runner, and the first one kicked into the sun. Sure, it's still way behind everyone else, but I can't get over how big the leaves are.
I could nearly hide my hand under one, and that's with stretching my hand in the pic: