contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

Starting to get a few pods now!
Now, clearly I'm in the lead:

And the aphids are gone to boot! :rofl:
The plant DID look like this:

See, what had happened was... I got tired of it sitting on my porch, and tough love worked for the first YBS that I kicked into raw sunlight, and it went from one of the smallest to probably the biggest in no time after a few sad looking days. So I kicked them ALL out. This one ended up losing all of it's leaves slowly over the course of a week or so. It has little baby leaves starting to grow, at least.
Here is day 2 or 3 in the sun (~2 weeks ago):

And the others given the same treatment, same day:

(nope, the tiny one didn't make it)
It's a little hard to make out (thanks to my stellar photo skills and lack of grass cutting), but the one in my homemade fabric pot got a little chewed on, but has exploded in new growth, and the pre-existing leaves started to get much bigger:

The one in solo cup is doing okay, though I didn't bother getting any better pic of it.

This one is probably my front runner, and the first one kicked into the sun. Sure, it's still way behind everyone else, but I can't get over how big the leaves are.
I could nearly hide my hand under one, and that's with stretching my hand in the pic: :party:

Looking good everyone! I envy those of you who have full sized pods already!
My plant just stopped dropping its flowers, and due to current weather conditions it has slowed down its growth a bit, in addition to that it has been fighting a lot of ants lately.
Here's mine! Obviously a long ways from ripe pods, but it's finally taken off. (it's the big one in the middle)
Hard to ever be highly competitive with a Minnesota grow, but regardless I'm really looking forward to these pods.
(I'll let you in on a secret between me and the floorboards - my personal goal is for 350 g of fruit off this thing)
NeedsWork said:
I had a nightmare the other night that the first pod to ripen turned red.
Man, that happened to me last year, ended up with some unknown cross, one of my hottest plants! But pretty disappointing. At least I'm growing out seeds from the cross this year to see if anything good pops up.

For some reason I forgot to source some more yellow seeds for this year.