contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

158+2=160 if we get to count crappy pods too lol
Rick is in here trying to pass me and I got scared.

KAOS said:
I'll do the picture update when I get a chance, but for now here is the leader board and my winter weigh in.
Welcome to all new weigh ins and hurrah to Devv for breaking 1kg
If I've missed someone or forgotten to add a weigh in let me know

Here's the record I've been keeping:
527=879 total as of Jul 1st
558=1437 jul 8th
465=1903 7-15
93=1996 7-29
Sorry I'm just joining this forum and finding out about the contest too late... I'll be ready to grow some more and interesting peppers next year. 

For consideration of honorable mention: Pictured are habaneros, lemon peppers, Carolina reapers, aji chaparita, buena mulata, biquinho peppers, cayenne, sugar rush peach, tobasco, and some okra and herbs to round it out. 
Welp I guess all the aji chaparitas fell to the bottom of the pile to hide but they're under there somewhere :D I'm getting a haul like this almost every week right now.
Another weigh-in for me. 453g more, which in total adds up to:
8 + 102 + 453 = 563 g 
Anyone have any suggestions or recipes that are well suited for this pepper? I still have left over scorpion powder from 2 years ago, and I only harvested 400g back then. So I'm clueless as to what to do with all of this superhot pepper.