contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Who's all letting seeds hit moisture when the clock strikes 12:01?
Here is a little something to hold you over until then (Chili Red featured towards the end): 
"As promised, here is the Official 2018 Garden Walk Through and Year In Review. As you may have noticed by now, our format will not always be the same as everyone else's traditional YouTube channel. Sometimes, I'll want to get more artsy than "informative" and when we have ideas for cool videos, we will run with them. Sometimes, there is so much more that can be said by not talking. I hope you all enjoy the break from the norm and stick around for more content to come! We recommend using your favorite headphones for the best viewing experience."
Pepper-Guru said:
Who's all letting seeds hit moisture when the clock strikes 12:01?
Here is a little something to hold you over until then (Chili Red featured towards the end): 
"As promised, here is the Official 2018 Garden Walk Through and Year In Review. As you may have noticed by now, our format will not always be the same as everyone else's traditional YouTube channel. Sometimes, I'll want to get more artsy than "informative" and when we have ideas for cool videos, we will run with them. Sometimes, there is so much more that can be said by not talking. I hope you all enjoy the break from the norm and stick around for more content to come! We recommend using your favorite headphones for the best viewing experience."
Man what a beautiful vid, Rich! Between the music, the cinematography and the subject matter (hey, it was 20 below here this morning!!), you yanked at almost every emotion I generate!
I'm taking a different approach this time, not going to plant so early. When I was doing the Aji Lemon Drop Growdown I had a rough time bringing my specimen up so early in the conditions of Zone 3. I think I'll wait just a bit. I think the Zerex soak slowed initial growth, being as everyone knows why an antifreeze makes such a necessary seed treatment here in the glacial plain.....
That being said, Anuums do freakin' awesome things in the land of the 16 hour summer days.....
Again, that video, what a fantastic job!!
Walchit said:
I got home late last night, and I was like "hey I can start some growdown seeds lol.

On that note, was there a time zone we were using to start the seeds? Started mine at 1am central time lol

Eastern Standard I guess ha. Dont matter lol

Orekoc said:
I'm waiting till February 2nd to start mine.  Just don't have the space for big plants and can't plant out till Mother's day.
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
i will do the same for the same reason.  :mope:
CaneDog said:
It's killin' me to not plant these now, but with an indoor grow in full swing, pretty much this...

Will aim to have mine going into the season ready to produce.
Good luck!
Dont wait too long! Youre gonna need all the headstart you all can get! Muahauahahah
PaulG said:
:dance:  Go, team, go! May the best chili head sri lanka red grower win!
How do the root riot plugs compare to rock wool cubes?
Though I can't help with that comparison, Paul, I can tell you that they have kept my Rocoto cuttings alive for a very....long....time....without generating a single root. The algea is clouding up the shot glasses pretty good though...
I do believe I'll try one with these Sri Lanka seeds, though.....just to see...