contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

internationalfish said:
This is seriously disingenuous.
Maybe because businesses in the US accept payments without requiring their customers to have a PayPal account. Totally unrelated to this.
Again, really disingenuous and unnecessary. I don't see how "please request money from me via PayPal" was "unnecessarily complicated." But clearly it pissed you off something fierce, for some reason. I'd apologize if you hadn't felt the need to go off the rails over it.

I don't know what you told anyone else, but you didn't even mention options besides PayPal to me before you started getting hot under the collar. "Why bother?" Because it seemed really fun and I genuinely wanted to be part of this?
Anyway, somehow you've decided I'm an entitled twat, so never mind. I hope everyone else enjoys this growdown and manages to avoid... whatever this was.
How to Become Blocked on an Internet Forum 101
internationalfish said:
This is seriously disingenuous.
Maybe because businesses in the US accept payments without requiring their customers to have a PayPal account. Totally unrelated to this.
Again, really disingenuous and unnecessary. I don't see how "please request money from me via PayPal" was "unnecessarily complicated." But clearly it pissed you off something fierce, for some reason. I'd apologize if you hadn't felt the need to go off the rails over it.

I don't know what you told anyone else, but you didn't even mention options besides PayPal to me before you started getting hot under the collar. "Why bother?" Because it seemed really fun and I genuinely wanted to be part of this?
Anyway, somehow you've decided I'm an entitled twat, so never mind. I hope everyone else enjoys this growdown and manages to avoid... whatever this was.
Here we go...
If there is one thing I am...its genuine...sometimes too genuine (asshole) just called yourself out publicly (something I was attempting to avoid). 
This growdown has been a thing, the same thing, for three years in a row. Nothing has ever changed. To be honest, I didn't even really feel like dealing with accepting payments from int people, sorting out packaging, postage shipping, but chose to do so, so that more people would be included. What I'm not going to do, or expect anyone to want to do is spend my time and money sending out to 50+ people (lots of which will never post again) for free...
There is always someone each year that has an issue with the way the growdown rules are enforced, or some other aspect that they don't jive with and have plenty of recommendations for how they deem it should go...this growdown isn't for them. 
I'm not a business, I'm a person. I don't sell seeds nor do I care to accommodate any and every person that wants seeds. 
I'm not hot under the collar or upset, but calling me disingenuous may get me closer to it. I won't quote or screen shot every time you've had issue with the way everyone else is getting their seeds, your issues with paypal and refusal to open an account due to your personal qualms with them. This isn't even a big deal really. It's clear my statements have made you assume what my opinions of you are (entitled twat as you so eloquently put it) Your words not mine. 
internationalfish said:
This is seriously disingenuous.
Maybe because businesses in the US accept payments without requiring their customers to have a PayPal account. Totally unrelated to this.
Again, really disingenuous and unnecessary. I don't see how "please request money from me via PayPal" was "unnecessarily complicated." But clearly it pissed you off something fierce, for some reason. I'd apologize if you hadn't felt the need to go off the rails over it.

I don't know what you told anyone else, but you didn't even mention options besides PayPal to me before you started getting hot under the collar. "Why bother?" Because it seemed really fun and I genuinely wanted to be part of this?
Anyway, somehow you've decided I'm an entitled twat, so never mind. I hope everyone else enjoys this growdown and manages to avoid... whatever this was.
Ooooffff. Dude, I don't know what pushed you off, but don't go ranting out in the internet. If you want to be in the growdown then you have to follow rules. You don't have to participate in this event, so if you want to follow the rules. It is as simple as that.
Pepper-Guru said:
I love Rocoto. Have grown it every year since bringing it back from my Peru trip. In fact...the sauce I just sent Coldsmoke should blow his mind. There's something about Rocoto and blending those seeds into the sauce that I just love. 
I get more mini rocotos and manzanos to do well outdoors than I do these big giant Rocotos from Peru. 
Wouldn't happen to have a few seeds from that monster to spare would you ???? :cheers:  :cheers: :cheers:  :cheers:  
And I agree that pubes make an awesome sauce.
internationalfish said:
This is seriously disingenuous.
Maybe because businesses in the US accept payments without requiring their customers to have a PayPal account. Totally unrelated to this.
Again, really disingenuous and unnecessary. I don't see how "please request money from me via PayPal" was "unnecessarily complicated." But clearly it pissed you off something fierce, for some reason. I'd apologize if you hadn't felt the need to go off the rails over it.

I don't know what you told anyone else, but you didn't even mention options besides PayPal to me before you started getting hot under the collar. "Why bother?" Because it seemed really fun and I genuinely wanted to be part of this?
Anyway, somehow you've decided I'm an entitled twat, so never mind. I hope everyone else enjoys this growdown and manages to avoid... whatever this was.
This is a contest meant for fun. If you don't like the rules set forth by the host, then don't take part in it or find another contest that's more suited to your circumstances. It's that simple. Please don't push the issue any further. This is a friendly competition.
Pepper-Guru said:
DUDE. Ever since you sent those and I learned what "chokecherries" youtube and facebook gardening feed has been nothing but chokecherry this, chockecherry that! So weird. 
Awesome by the way. Kids loved it too. 
Heh heh, dependance. I am so evil.....

Man, we have a grove out back lined with these cherry bushes, every year I compete with robins, waxwings, and chipmonks and average around 20 quarts of fruit, which I always thought were a lot. This last season?

40 quarts, and I left easily that many cherries on the bush. There was that much. I have unprocessed bags in the freezer and still 2 gallons-plus of raw juice waiting for rocotos to make jelly with.

The local Anishinaabeg (Ojibwe) sell the stuff @ $8/jar. They don't do Rocotos.

If you got Pubes, I'll buy whatever you can't use....
stettoman said:
Heh heh, dependance. I am so evil.....

Man, we have a grove out back lined with these cherry bushes, every year I compete with robins, waxwings, and chipmonks and average around 20 quarts of fruit, which I always thought were a lot. This last season?

40 quarts, and I left easily that many cherries on the bush. There was that much. I have unprocessed bags in the freezer and still 2 gallons-plus of raw juice waiting for rocotos to make jelly with.

The local Anishinaabeg (Ojibwe) sell the stuff @ $8/jar. They don't do Rocotos.

If you got Pubes, I'll buy whatever you can't use....
I have some in my freezer...I could dehydrate them and send them your way. I'll have to make sure there are enough for it to be worthwhile. Would pubes processed like that still do the trick for you?
ColdSmoke said:
I have some in my freezer...I could dehydrate them and send them your way. I'll have to make sure there are enough for it to be worthwhile. Would pubes processed like that still do the trick for you?
Wow, we really shanghei'd this Growdown thread, didn't we....

You know Jeremy, I did make a batch with some Aji Limo powder, it turned out ok.

PM me if you decide to do that, we'll work out terms. A SFRB, well packed with fresh Aji Oros, will do one 6-7 jar batch. Are they deseeded?
ColdSmoke said:
I have some in my freezer...I could dehydrate them and send them your way. I'll have to make sure there are enough for it to be worthwhile. Would pubes processed like that still do the trick for you?
stettoman said:
Wow, we really shanghei'd this Growdown thread, didn't we....

You know Jeremy, I did make a batch with some Aji Limo powder, it turned out ok.

PM me if you decide to do that, we'll work out terms. A SFRB, well packed with fresh Aji Oros, will do one 6-7 jar batch. Are they deseeded?
I say if they are frozen, fresh, just vacuume seal them, and ship them on a cold spell. Ha chances are theyll be fine.