contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

Took a bite of one of my ripe pods yesterday. Lil bastards got some kick to it! Kinda hard to say but I think I might like the green pods more as far as flavor goes.


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Edmick said:
So I might be needing to use one of my backup plants as my growdown plant. Kinda weird but this one has 2 totally different phenos growing on it. These longer chunky ones and the short and squatty ones.

It's most definitely a nutrient issue, the PH looks to be too high.
Add a 50-50 mix of H2O and battery acid, drench the leaves during the heat of the day. That should correct your issues.
I'm always here to help....
People getting on the scales finally! Should become a pretty regular sight here on out. Loving all the crazy crosses. 
Here is mine, finally planted beginning of June. 



Here are both the Competition SLCR and Original SLCR compered side by side:
Competition Canopy and Leaf Size:


Original Canopy and Leaf Size:


PaulG said:
Nice going, Liz, looks great!
That's a pretty major grow bag - how many liters?
Is that another plant to the right or just some leaf cuttings?
Mine's in a 65, but I think she went with 85 tall? Correct me if Im wrong, shes got a lot folded over there. If I were her, I'd probably unfold, get more soil, and bury that thing right up to its newest growth. Just let the whole plant become new roots after a good drying out  ;)
PaulG said:
Nice going, Liz, looks great!
That's a pretty major grow bag - how many liters?
Is that another plant to the right or just some leaf cuttings?
We had a storm not long before the last pic (finally, a break from 100+ degree weather!)  and a few leaves came off and landed in a few of the pots. I was standing on the other side of the fence, which has a strangely latched gate due to escape artist (and plant destroying) dogs, and hadn't gone in to pull the stuff off.  ;)
Pepper-Guru said:
Mine's in a 65, but I think she went with 85 tall? Correct me if Im wrong, shes got a lot folded over there. If I were her, I'd probably unfold, get more soil, and bury that thing right up to its newest growth. Just let the whole plant become new roots after a good drying out  ;)
It is a 65 gal. I forgot to calculate an entire tray of plants in solo cups that needed to go to bigger homes too, and ran out.  :whistle:
PaulG said:
Growdown SLR in its final 18-gallon container.
Lots of long, skinny pods setting:

SLR cross with tons of the little erect sausage
shaped pods setting. Guess I will call this one
Mr. Sausage.
My buddy sprouted the last 4 seeds I had, one of his plants was a mutant looking thing, and it has little upright sausage type pods. I will get pics. He also has one of the correct pheno he is trying to beat me with too lol
lespaulde said:
My plant is finally ready for some serious production, now that it's used to the outside. I'm glad I picked the buds until ~3 weeks ago, as the plant really doubled if not tripled in size since then. Watch this space for some killer weigh-ins (I hope) of Denmark's finest (and probably only) SLRs! xD :dance:



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Well done! A super healthy specimen :party: