contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!


A teeny pull, up to 323 grams now. Waiting on a bunch to ripen up right now!

Not huge, but producing pretty well.
Sorry to hear that Walchit.

Found these guys hiding in the canopy. I am not sure why some of these pods are ripening when they are still small. But, I see new flower buds.. Excited.

Total till date :

409g + 38g = 447g

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I have been an absolutely terrible participant, been traveling for work the most of the last 6 months so my plants have suffered greatly. I am dealing with a huge whitefly infestation due to neglect. Starting over my entire Pepper grow. Which actually works out better weather wise for me. So my question is... how one is this growdown running now I have the time and energy to put into it?
Crispee-FL said:
I have been an absolutely terrible participant, been traveling for work the most of the last 6 months so my plants have suffered greatly. I am dealing with a huge whitefly infestation due to neglect. Starting over my entire Pepper grow. Which actually works out better weather wise for me. So my question is... how one is this growdown running now I have the time and energy to put into it?
Don't worry, we're all over the place regarding who started when and whose plants... died, were off-pheno, eloped with their irresponsible boyfriends, etc. Start when you can and grow what you can!

I'm assuming you meant how long is it running? Per The Guru:
Pepper-Guru said:
Contest ends Jan 1 2020 @ 12:01 am.
It might be worthwhile to head back to the first page, just to brush up on the details.

Good luck! :)