contest Growdown Throwdown 2019 Sri Lanka - Chilli Red!

I am so looking forward to this Growdown Throwdown.  First one I'll be in.  These peppers sound amazing. 
Thank you Guru for doing this.  You are most kind.
Pepper-Guru said:
They definitely arent all like that, those are the smaller end of the pod scale for the entirety of the season, and the the most like pheno 2 pods. Some of them will be much bigger and contain more seeds, closer resembling a cayenne. Most will be shaped like the ones you got. The pheno 2 had a distinct wrinkle at the top of the pod where the calyx attaches, where as the larger pheno more closely resembled a large cayenne and had generally smooth round shape, gradually coming to a point.

These (pheno 2) produced many more fruit and had a much more striking and complex flavor(sweet, bursting juices, followed by almost chinense heat but not quite) , where as pheno 1 had a more deep, Smokey, hearty flavor much like a standard cayenne or paprika.

There was even a third pheno that I hated, it almost had a mutant-y quality. Super tiny aborted shaped pods, no good for nothing. Huge plants and huge calyx stems with teeeny tiny little nothings turned red on the end. Worthless.

I never kept seeds from those over the last three years, only the other two phenos that came from seeds contained in one of the original dried pods from Sri Lanka.

This year pheno 2 really went nuts and exhibited fruit set like no other year before it, so...thats what everyones getting seeds from.

These are open pollinated again, like last year, so start a handful and keep your favorite for the contest to weigh from.
Have been reading the forum for awhile, but this growdown is enticing me out from under my rock to begin posting. Sending my envelope out to Guru tomorrow. I don't know how much of a challenge I will be, but I do have South florida weather so I wont have an excuse. We haven't had a real freeze in probably 5 or 6 years. Either way I know it will be fun.
Okee said:
Have been reading the forum for awhile, but this growdown is enticing me out from under my rock to begin posting. Sending my envelope out to Guru tomorrow. I don't know how much of a challenge I will be, but I do have South florida weather so I wont have an excuse. We haven't had a real freeze in probably 5 or 6 years. Either way I know it will be fun.
That's awesome.  I used to grow peppers when I lived in Miami (and elsewhere in FL).  It definitely has the warm weather, but I remember it presenting a host of challenges as well. You'll have plenty of excuses if you need them ;) but looking forward to seeing you kick some butt.
Pepper-Guru said:
Haha, that's just what everyone called it in Sri Lanka... "Chilli" 
Plenty of people got these fresh this year in SFRB's! 
Yup, I got a shtanky hawt little booger....
I can only imagine what your mailbox looks like this week, Rich....and the look on your mailman's face! :rofl:
The Hot Pepper said:
When I saw how it was spelled, was sure it was the Down Under Grow Down :P

Haha! Guess its a Brit colony carry over thing!
Walchit said:
Boss is gonna get in on this growdown? You are already doing the clavo, might as well sprout one of these
I agree!
stc3248 said:
I'm gonna keep an eye on this one...good luck all. You sure y'all don't want to do a tallest Birgit's Locoto?

Haha No! By the way, I have found a few jars of those from that year, ready for blending!
stettoman said:
Yup, I got a shtanky hawt little booger....
I can only imagine what your mailbox looks like this week, Rich....and the look on your mailman's face! :rofl:
Things are starting to trickle in for sure! Ha Ill probably give it to after my birthday 11th or so and then send everyones out at one time.
PaulG said:
Right on, John. I miss seeing you on the grow log forum, brother! 
I agree with Andy (Walchit) don't let the vultures bring you down.
THP still rocks for pepper growers.  I just miss some of the 'old timers'
from my first couple of seasons on THP.  Maybe they just hang out
somewhere else on the forum. Every so often, when I see a post from
one of them, it makes me feel good to know they are still in business.
Thanks to Rich for ramrodding this contest again. Good luck to all who
 The feeling is mutual,Paul. I think about our friend Greg often. The jack of all trades,and master of them too.
I don't grow much anymore due to some other time consuming projects. Basically start some seeds and toss them out when it gets warm enough. I still do hunt for rare stuff and check in on a few forums. Good luck in 2019.
Pr0digal_son said:
 The feeling is mutual,Paul. I think about our friend Greg often. The jack of all trades,and master of them too.
You weren't too shabby, yourself, my friend!
I don't grow much anymore due to some other time consuming projects. Basically start some seeds and toss them out when it gets warm enough. I still do hunt for rare stuff and check in on a few forums. Good luck in 2019.
Thanks, John. Hope you manage a few
peppers this season.  All work and no play...
Would be cool to see you in a grow down!
Pr0digal_son said:
 The feeling is mutual,Paul. I think about our friend Greg often. The jack of all trades,and master of them too.
I don't grow much anymore due to some other time consuming projects. Basically start some seeds and toss them out when it gets warm enough. I still do hunt for rare stuff and check in on a few forums. Good luck in 2019.
Funny...I was just thinking about ole Pic1 5 minutes before reading this. 
Pr0digal_son said:
 The feeling is mutual,Paul. I think about our friend Greg often. The jack of all trades,and master of them too.
I don't grow much anymore due to some other time consuming projects. Basically start some seeds and toss them out when it gets warm enough. I still do hunt for rare stuff and check in on a few forums. Good luck in 2019.
Pr0digal_son said:
YES!!! And the smack talk that follows. I know it would be asking too much for subforums for that stuff.  How about biggest yield in a 1 gallon container? There are a ton of possibilities.
I for one, hope you find the time to always come back and check in on us. Your glogs and photos were always the best. The beautiful varieties you always had and the rare wild plants were always awesome. 
Subforums sound cool. See, we needed you in here sooner so we could've hashed all those ideas out and made this thing really awesome. 