contest Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii

My two in the green pots are 3 weeks old today. They are a little rough as my dog drop his ball under the small table knocked these plants over. The one super yellow looking, been sitting in the kitchen not getting much love.
I am leaning to the one in the back right for entry, but going to wait another few weeks and see how they do.
Joshuap2000 said:
My two in the green pots are 3 weeks old today. They are a little rough as my dog drop his ball under the small table knocked these plants over. The one super yellow looking, been sitting in the kitchen not getting much love.
I am leaning to the one in the back right for entry, but going to wait another few weeks and see how they do.
No no no, these have cancer. You better throw them in the compost bin and start over. 
PaulG said:
Nah, you have lots and lots of time, Andy.
July may even be a little early!
That's right and then, if you still think that you're a bit late here's a gem of advice to catch up with us: crack all your seeds open, dig out the embryos and lay them straight over your sprouting media. This little stress should quickly induce germination plus it's 100% guaranteed that you won't fuck with helmet head!
Excellent choice as it seems to countain capsaïcin as an added bonus ingredient!


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Let's pretend a friend of mine (no-no, not me...) was using Veet to remove those ugly hair, would it be considered as "legit" stuff??