contest Growdown Throwdown 2020 - Fatalii

Well, my lonely vote for Aji Panca is quite embarrassing...! Anyway, I'm out as I do not have much space left for a variety I hadn't planned to grow this year, plus I already have 2  brand new sprouts of Fatalii Mortalii. Happy new year and good luck to everyone; I'll follow the race from a distance though!
Bou said:
Well, my lonely vote for Aji Panca is quite embarrassing...! Anyway, I'm out as I do not have much space left for a variety I hadn't planned to grow this year, plus I already have 2  brand new sprouts of Fatalii Mortalii. Happy new year and good luck to everyone; I'll follow the race from a distance though!
Sorry you're not in it, Bou. Never too late to reconsider  ;)
Everyone got their seeds yet? I say, get em local and get em now. 
Well, gotta go, I have work to do!
PaulG said:
Sorry you're not in it, Bou. Never too late to reconsider  ;)
Well, it seems that I'm easy to corrupt... (got me on this one PaulG!). I just passed my order from SSE so you can count me in. With a short growing season, I will start with two strikes compare to you southern neighbours but still, I'm ready to face the challenge!
Walchit said:
Geez I guess I should run over to the nursery and see if they stock them.

What exactly is a
"seed saver sex change"
anyway? I dont think I'm very inerested
SSE is an organization devoted to promoting
heirloom strains of various plants. You can
check them out here:
C'mon, Andy, join in the fun, please!