contest Growdown Throwdown 2022

Growdown Throwdown 2022

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Well people, I'm done at 566 grams, my Growdown plant has gone the way of the backup plant and is now as dead as the proverbial stick.


The Rootknot Nematodes started taking over as soon as the high heat moved in. That, along with being neglected as both I and the wife have both had our medical issues the last few months have taken their toll on most of my plants.


I'll keep following along to see who achieves top spot and maybe take another run at it next year.
Good luck to all still in the race.

Florida Man Spreads Corona Virus to Pepper Plant

Ha! kidding. Hope you both are doing better!
...guess I better go look :cool:
Well things aren't looking much better here thanks to that crazy Mother Nature... My plant is full of flowers but they all drop so I'm not even sure I'll harvest a single pod :(
Right there with ya @Bou. Lots of flowers but not one pod set. The weather just took a drastic turn from miserable hot to cool and beautiful. Maybe some pods will set before frost lol.
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Right there with ya @Bou. Lots of flowers but not one pod set. The weather just took a drastic turn for miserable hot to cool and beautiful. Maybe some pods will set before frost lol.
Let's hope so my friend🤞
Anybody else having any luck?