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contest Growdown Throwdown 2022

Growdown Throwdown 2022

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My seedling seems to be coming along OK. Maybe more Rocket Fuel from Musk to get it to "blast off".

My seedling seems to be coming along OK. Maybe more Rocket Fuel from Musk to get it to "blast off".


Looking Good! But I gotta ask... How's it gonna feel getting beat by someone who only grew in a tiny ole 65 gallon container, intentionally overfed it diesel to exhibit symptoms often confused for mite damage on social media (only to prove a point) and then had to overwater it everyday to correct the issue? I don't know about you...but that would make me quit now and bow out of the race.
Looking Good! But I gotta ask... How's it gonna feel getting beat by someone who only grew in a tiny ole 65 gallon container, intentionally overfed it diesel to exhibit symptoms often confused for mite damage on social media (only to prove a point) and then had to overwater it everyday to correct the issue? I don't know about you...but that would make me quit now and bow out of the race.

I'm fairly used to getting beat down lately, like every time I get gas or groceries! 😭 By the way, how do you know so much about someone elses
plant? 🤷đŸģ‍♂ī¸ So to be clear........you're a quitter?? đŸ˜ĩ‍đŸ’Ģ
How stable are these seeds? My backup plant is putting out ORANGE pods, I've been watching them for a while and their not going to red!
I will have to try and keep my first germinated chosen plant ALIVE!

Those will likely turn red as well. Maybe just a little late.

As for stability, ethically we can really only call these F3/F4 as I found them in 2019 in Samaipata. If we consider the plant I found in 2019 to be our "F1" then we are growing F3. But who knows how stable they were before I got to them. These are all isolated seed so any variation will be few and far between.
Well people, I'm done at 566 grams, my Growdown plant has gone the way of the backup plant and is now as dead as the proverbial stick.


The Rootknot Nematodes started taking over as soon as the high heat moved in. That, along with being neglected as both I and the wife have both had our medical issues the last few months have taken their toll on most of my plants.


I'll keep following along to see who achieves top spot and maybe take another run at it next year.
Good luck to all still in the race.