• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Growing in the Pacific NorthWest Community GrowLog

There have been several yearly PNW grow logs, the last in 2017,
so @FGpepperguy and I thought it might be a good idea to start
an on-going glog for the PNW. This is a community glog, so anyone
is free to post here, whether in the PNW or not. Hopefully, this forum
thread will provide for some information sharing particular to growing
in our crazy, unpredictable weather.

So, that being said, welcome all. Don't be strangers!

"Yes, we can grow chili peppers in the
Pacific NorthWest! Usually."
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Pretty amazing, @nwpepper. Ripe pods on the plant
in the middle of December seems hard to believe!
Winter growing in the PNW…
Plants on a 4’ x 6’ table with
PVC frame for two 4 x 4 T5HO
light fixtures.


Front row, square pots - vol. Yellow Pequin, vol. Capuccinno Chiltepín, Rocopica Brown.
Back row - Rocopica Brown, c. galapagoense , Trippaul Threat F9 White Lightening, c. galapagoense.
Wow @FGpepperguy! Great bunch of pods.
I can spot a few gnarly stingers in those
Reapers! Good work :clap:

Grow tent hydros are looking top notch. Which
is/are the Bahamian Goat?
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Maybe I should put some of those BOC seeds in the dirt myself. I have the habit of collecting lots of seeds and then ending up not growing most of them... 🤔
:eek: That's sort of like a sacrilege. Right? 😂