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indoor Growing indoors using CFL

Pam said:
Sounds like my pilange, AJ. It was 3 or 4 feet in diamter, and just loaded with peppers all the time. On the other pod, a Pimiento De Chiero pepper that I overwintered never came back as strong as it was the year before. It never got as tall or produced as well.

isn't it so cool when you have a plant that is kinda short and huge in diameter with so many pods on it...

last year was my first year "overwintering" so that was my only experience with 2nd year plants...maybe the thais will surprize me...

I love the orange thai burn...immediate, harsh on the tongue and lips (kinda like a piquin/tepin) that goes away within a couple of minutes...this is a staple of my "overall burn" powder...
Savina with maturing pods


First of all: Awesome tree!

Now what is that on the left of the picture, almost out of view? It looks like a cayenne on a fishing pole. Have you been taunting your tree to produce more? :lol:
Great work and etc etc!

I'm trying to decide where to go on my indoor grow thingy as i'm making nice eplants, but not pods..so needs a re-think.

Thanks for the info, think I can build something like that rather than blow up the apt. with HPS/MH lights..heheh.

Ya think Masonite would work well?

I'm used to building sets outa it in the past, it's stronger than it looks but has less weight than wood..and is very easy to work with. Only issue is if it would warp or not....hmmm.

Seems like CFL is the only way I can go as I don't have the modern wiring or outlets for hi-power lights.
Red Savina Habanero. Harvested 25 peppers and have cut it down a bit.

Washed out the roots and put it on a 4 gallon container. Will make a great bonchi :rolleyes:
