Good luck man, and thanks for the shameless plug. 

DEFCON Creator said:Good luck man, and thanks for the shameless plug.![]()
imaguitargod said:"Vote Defcon for the new world leader! If you don't, you die!"
I've meet with Stan on three occassions. The first time at Burger King, the second time was at the X-Men 2 dvd release party (where I was appearing in their costume contest as Wolverine), and the third time at the Superhero Audition. Stan is TRUELY The Man. He's just plain cool. I would love to kick back with a beer and swap stories of the past with him one day (which may actually happen tomarrow). I know from personal experience and from a few stories of fellow geeks talking to him about my character Mullet-Man that he personally likes the concept and has read both issues of my comic (which is funny because I kill him in the first issue). So I must give him props for that.POTAWIE said:Hey Guitargod, what's Stan Lee like? Did you get to talk to him much?
imaguitargod said:For your product, I will always plug them for free
"Vote Defcon for the new world leader! If you don't, you die!"
Sickmont said:I'd vote for the Creator in a second(as long as he promises to make me one of his minions, though)![]()
DEFCON Creator said:Minion??? Never! Why lower yourself to minion status when status of Adherent could be offered?
I call Germany and their good beer!Sickmont said:Adherent's cool...just as long as i can have Australia or someplace like that to subjugate, i don't care what the job title is![]()