• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Guru's Glog 2012

Is it that time again already? Feels like yesterday I was picking final harvests, disonnecting drip lines out in the garden and digging up pepper plants for the winter. Where does the time go?

Anyhow, I see people are already in full swing here on THP. What a lovely site. I'll be the first to admit, I'm running a little late this year, but I have an excuse I'm prepared to live with....





:P I needed a vacation! Well that, and a good friend of mine asked if I wanted to open up a restaurant in Thailand. Who says no to that? Not I.

We had a great time. Its paradise, and very cheap. Above all, as a chili head, Thai food is a gift from God himself. I ate better and fresher food than you could ever get in the US, for pennies a meal. The trip was awesome. I think Im even suffering from seperation anxiety...lol I couldn't even begin to go into all the things that happened on this trip, without this starting to sound like more of a blog than a GLOG, so I'll spare you guys for now.

Anyway, down to business. Before I left, I started a 72 cell super hot tray and pulled the mothers from last year outside.




The lady bugs went to work on the mothers, and I felt confident that Mrs. Guru could take care of the germination while I was away.


Now, I'd be lying if I said I never worried for a second while I was away. I had already started my seeds a week or two later than usual and now I was going to be gone while they were supposed to be "born"....lol but I knew the better option for my sanity was to let go, remember I was on vacation and not think about the seeds. Im glad I did, because the ole lady did ok! :P

I got back, germ rates were near 100% and it was on to potting up!


Quick make shift shade house for the tender seedlings after a transplant and a break in the clouds.

You can still drain off this water and use it tomorrow and the next day as an aact. Im just saying your concentration of bennies will be higher when done with a bag (indicated by the foaming) About 3 days is as long as I let the aacts go for. In all reality you could simply blend up everything after the aact and water it in. It just turns out better after organisms have composted it for a period of time.

i tried to brew my tea longer but the froth is starting to vanish?is that normal or i have to put more molasses in it to feed them
I have a bucket of seaweed I was going to dry and pulverize into kelp meal, but the rains got to it before I could. Now it's been sitting for a couple weeks in 5 gallons of water. Would this be safe to use on my plants?

Not guru obviously...but I wouldn't see why not. What would seaweed break down into...N predominately?
A couple of weeks ago when you mentioned needing to add sulfur to adjust your PH, I never got exactly how you did that? I have been using Epson Salts to add sulfur, is that a bad thing? Is it too strong and kill beneficial organisms? We haven't gotten to the 100% organic point yet, but do have a large compost pile (bring coffee grounds from work as well for it) and getting ready to add some red wrigglers to it, add chopped leaves and composted horse manure every year to the garden as well as till in the hardwood mulch from the previous year. My main "fertilizer" has been Sea Magic up till now, with occasional MG for tomatoes :rolleyes: I know, not a good thing, going to try to stay away from that this year. I feel like I don't have enough nitrogen as my compost gets no grass clippings since we have a mulching mower. Any suggestions on how to boost my nitrogen naturally? I have been following your Glog since last year and have learned tons already.
guru, how do you keep the lower branches growing upward? i have 3-4 that are growing outwards and i think the branches will break off if the pods get any bigger. should i get string and tie to another branch for support?
Stake the plant and string a support rope around it's "waist" once the lower branches start laying down. Then do it again, higher on the stake for the shoots that will fill the void after that happens. I suspect these will lay down as well once the branches get a bit longer and the pods start weighing things down. This will help move the plant in one mass during high winds or picking. Otherwise you'll have branches breaking, or fallling to the ground and picking up disease or pests.

You can see in the middle of the fatalii last year about 4 ft high where the top of the stake is and the "belt" it created around the waist of the plant. Thats the top support. The lower support is around the bottom branches, preventing them from breaking.

The brain strain hasn't been staked yet. This is her just growing normally. She probable needs to be supported at this point though....Ill go snap a pic of the base and inner structure now for you.

here's a peek under her dress ;)




Oh and Mrs. Fatalii is begining to stretch. Things are going to get interesting now :party:


This will be the 7th Summer Solstice that the Fatalii has seen! Happy first day of SUMMER THP!
No thats fine, I don't bend mine up either! I wasn't saying that. Im saying eventually those "upward" growing branches of my Brain are going to fall. Thats what the support string and staking is for. You can stake yours in that DWC by getting some wire fencing and rolling it into a tall, round tomato cage. Otherwise I see no way to stake it like I do here on these soil containers. Just make the diamter pretty far from the center base of the plant and the braches will grow through it, lay on it, and be supported all the way up.
Hey PG, those sure are some fine looking plants you've got there. I need to get myself some of those fabric pots and give them a try. they sure seem to be working very well for you.
If you ever have any extra Fatalii pods give me a shout, I sure would like to try some of those.

Oh yeah, Happy First Day Of Summer.

Rich, you stink... i mean really.... Thanks for the tea thread.... when are you headed ITP, have some myco for you and some other samples... pm me when u can.
Regards, Chris
Hey Chris! Ready for that beer dude? I have off tomorrow!
Hey PG, those sure are some fine looking plants you've got there. I need to get myself some of those fabric pots and give them a try. they sure seem to be working very well for you.
If you ever have any extra Fatalii pods give me a shout, I sure would like to try some of those.

Oh yeah, Happy First Day Of Summer.

Happy first day of Summer to you my friend!
Exactly why I won't use Miracle Grow products.
I have some around here that I have had for several years collecting dust. Time to throw them in the trash where they belong.
Don't throw it in the trash! Don't you think it would be much better if you threw it into a creek so all the animals can have a taste? Or let it sink into the water table! Yes, thats a better idea! Mmmmm miracle gro .... mmmmm :crazy:
Hey Guru - really enjoying the glog - thanks for all the info. I've been almost completely organic in my garden for some time now - but still early in my learning and understanding of the whole thing. I guess I just thought I'd rather not have pesticides on my vegetables if I could help it, and it's grown from there. Also, ecosystems have fascinated me - but again, my understanding is rudimentary. Just beginning to learn. I find out that the more I know, the stronger I feel about organic stuff (and organic done correctly - big corporations can abuse the land "organically" as well). Anyway, a couple of questions - first I'm wondering what you know and what your reactions are to the permaculture movement. Second, you've referenced another forum you are on that has great info for gardening - what is it?
Thanks for all the questions you answer for us folks.
That Brain is looking great Rich and the Fatalii, always...
Thanks Mill. Its still early in the season and the Brain has just gotten taller than the Fatalii, but the Fatalii just started to stretch so its a dead heat race to the finish! lol Monster against Monster!
Hey Guru - really enjoying the glog - thanks for all the info. I've been almost completely organic in my garden for some time now - but still early in my learning and understanding of the whole thing. I guess I just thought I'd rather not have pesticides on my vegetables if I could help it, and it's grown from there. Also, ecosystems have fascinated me - but again, my understanding is rudimentary. Just beginning to learn. I find out that the more I know, the stronger I feel about organic stuff (and organic done correctly - big corporations can abuse the land "organically" as well). Anyway, a couple of questions - first I'm wondering what you know and what your reactions are to the permaculture movement. Second, you've referenced another forum you are on that has great info for gardening - what is it?
Thanks for all the questions you answer for us folks.
I really dig the permaculture stuff man! I have yet to try and incorporate much of the practice around our place, mainly because we've always leased property from family, but as soon as we make the move out towards Arizona and buy our first home on some property, you can rest assured that I will be getting into it heavy. It's all about flowing structures and harvesting nature's processes to best advantage possible. Love it.
The other forum is GrassCity. I moderate the grow sections over there. Im an expat from the Overgrow shutdown and like thousands of growers, moved over to the City in hopes of finding some great people to grow and learn with. Im gald I did. Come by sometime and see the other garden! ;)

Here are some shots from today on the patio and in the garden.

Hard Apple Cider from the apple trees out back :)

The Brain Strain has officially surpassed the Fatalii in height... 3 months old...Do I think it will stay this way? No...the fatalii is just now starting to get her stretch on and once that happens its gonna be nuts.


Look at this insane Fatalii seedling!


Awesome Fatalii with stinger! neat...


Small fatalii harvest today


Cherokee Purple turning purple!


7 yr Red Fatalii Mother


Red Aribibi from 2Gods


Okra and Tomato mounds


Beans and peas about ready for first harvest

Dude... I've already seen food inc.. My wife and I just finished watching that Monsanto film. That's some pretty scary and crazy shit right there. Talk about "playing God" and getting away with it. Anyway, your plants are lookin good as always buddy. That brainstrain's growth rate is unbelieveable. You have some good taste in beer! 60minute IPA? 90min? Both one of my favorite IPAs out there! Hope all is well