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Habanero Sauce

Hi, I am new to the forum and really need advise.

I made a Belizan Hot Sauce. Followed the directions but it is kinda thick and I left the pulp in after the food processor pulverized it.

Is it supposed to be kinda thick and with the pulp or be like a runny Tabasco sauce.

Thanks for your help!!
Sure! It is a no rules game. The only vinegar that I do not use is cider type do to purely taste considerations.
That's funny because I also avoid this vinegar. I actually prefer the regular white distilled over this (which most avoid). I say it's funny because a lot of people on here use it. I think because it's apple they think it's sweet. Actually no vinegar has sugar in it unless the fermenting process is purposely halted, and then, it will be sold as a sweet vinegar.

It's important to do taste tests with vinegars, like you would do wine, but just a teapsoon. Mark your findings immediately with the qualities, like sharpness, acidity, flavor, and what you would pair it with. I have "go-to" vinegars for the sauces I make.

I have two that are like my secret weapons. One can only be bought from one place in the US and I hope they keep making it.
Stealth vinegar weapons? Interesting. Actually, I never gave vinegar much thought. I just splash a little cheap white vinegar into the pot thats cooking; no specific mesurement other than to minimize the vinegar taste (don't want to have the finished product taste like tabasco).

THP, based on your above post, am I to assume that the "quality" of the vinegar has a correlation to the overall taste of the finished product? If so, do you use some type of specific ratio of vinegar to be added to the size and type of the batch being prepared?

Always willing to learn something new. TY
You know how they say don't cook with wine you wouldn't drink? Well don't make a hot sauce with any ole vinegar, I say. Put as much thought into it as your other ingredients. You'll be surprised at the outcome.
Adenedum to above. Just discovered the pH testing, meters, how much vinegar, etc threads. Things contiue to evolve. Simple question - Canning in a hot water bath does not preclude the need for sauce ph of 4? 2+ years of making sauces and no one has gotton sick; however, it seems that I'm taking some chances.
cooksedge said:
That just may be a really good ides!! Iwonder how that would taste? Should taste test all of the rums tho to find the best one!

Yes, most definitely. In fact, you should book a week long business trip to Belize post-haste so that you can be sure you try every possible rum available there- so that you can make the most authentic Belizan hot suace possible. Actually, it would probably be a good idea to make it a two week trip- because you want to taste plenty of authentic Belizan hot suaces, too. For research purposes. :shocked: Dont worry, you can write it off as a business expnese on your taxes!;)
balsamic vinegar sounds interesting in cooking and in chilli sauces never thought of that.. I surpose it is good like tb said because it's sweet and when reduced that sweetness comes out. Would sherry vinegar taste ok you think thp?? or maybe just some sweet alcohol like marsala or something along those lines..