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Happy Ending (not the dirty type... lol)

About a year and a half ago I gave my sister a plant of what I now refer to as an early "Red Bud" plant. when I gave it to her it was a happy little seedling in a small pot (that I use for seedlings) with a mix of soil and humus. about a week ago I noticed it when I was visiting. it looked dead. no leaves, all yellow and dry, in the same damn pot and she didn't even pick a lot of the pods. like that's not enough, it was on the outside and apparently it was at the same spot for the entire winter (protected from winds and basically nature, but in the cold). without any fertilizer added to it, re-potting and the fact she only watered it "occasionally" no wonder it looked like this:


I noticed bits of green, so I knew there was still hope. I came to the rescue and pulled the poor chile away from the mean sister. it was sad the find out even the roots are dry and dead. I wasn't exactly what's dead and what's still alive, so I didn't go all butcher on it.


This is the same plant now:


It buds like crazy and I have to pinch it daily.


So it lives! the end.
Wow nice come back. It's amazing how much damage peppers can sustain and still store up enough energy to make it out alive!! Well done!
Poor wittle plant, my mums treats any chili plant i give to her in the same fashion!

Bad, bad sis.
now take some peppers from that plant and dice them up, and hide them in your sisters food. preferable food that she is expecting to taste bland or sweet that way she'll get a fun surprise
Yeah, they're REALLY hard to kill and will recover rather easily in the right conditions. I think I just found a new use for my Hydro-cups. :)

It's looking better and better every day:

Philipperv said:
Now, as long as it can stay in the bomb shelter with you during the next war, it will live long and prosper. ;)
I nursed an orange hab similarly, unfortunately it rebounded in time to make 2 peppers by season's end....

There are advantages to indoor growing!

Being an outdoor grower, I would be better off starting a new seed.
Damn those mean sisters (She did leave the pods for you though; like she somehow knew that was the only hope for life). But thank God for Omri (Yay! : )) -for saving it's life and leaving the pods on for the shot.

Those blue cups rule too.
ABurningMouth said:
Damn those mean sisters (She did leave the pods for you though; like she somehow knew that was the only hope for life). But thank God for Omri (Yay! : )) -for saving it's life and leaving the pods on for the shot.

Those blue cups rule too.
The only reason I didn't take 'em off was I have no idea how long they were left there... could be a month, could be a year... I have fresh ones, don't need the leftovers. :shocked:
Plus, they look *so* cool in the pictures. :lol:

Aye, my Hydro-cups are magical. I did change the nutrient mix a few days... trying to make it better.