patience there Mamsoth, mother nature will do what ever she wants....for me, I just pick a date and go for it...I planted out some of mine March 7th this year (4) but they are under 50% shade cloth...growth will be slow for them but I'm in no hurry...7 C is about 45F and I don't think that will hurt the plants...mine have seen temps down to 4-5C and are still weather now is lows 21C highs 32C
Ahem (Mamsoth composes himself and ceases his assault on mother nature...for now
). It is frustrating though, the weather here in England is sooooo changeable, this last week we've had glorious unbroken sunshine, torrential rain, galeforce winds, and last week we had hail!!! Tomorrow night we are predicted a frost overnight. One night it's too hot to sleep and the next, literally, we have frost. Hot, cold, wind, calm, rain, hail. AAAAAAAAAH!!! Lol, hehe
, no its not that bad, but it is a sodding pain in the arse.
It's good to know that the plants will take temps a bit below 10 C without any adverse effects, I had heard to keep them in if it was anywhere below 10, the thing I must ask both of you guys is how long would you say you could keep them at those temps for? It's just it looks like we won't be getting above 10 degrees for the next week at least and probably longer!
If I had space indoors I'd just pot up all the plants, no worries about them getting root bound and then I could wait till the weather picks up, but space inside is very much at a premium and I really do need to get them out (they're in pots which are far too small for them).