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Hardening Off Question

Does the process change at all if you're bring out plants to harden off in 80-90 degree weather instead of earlier in the season when it's 50-60 degrees?

Is it a shorter process? Longer? Any advice would be appreciated. I've got a few late stragglers I really want to get into natural sunlight to accelerate growth. :)

I'm literally hardening off one of my late starters right now. Just slowly get the plant used to it. I put it out in a mostly shaded area for a few days, then I start moving up how long it's in the direct sun. First day an hour, next 1.5, 2 to 2.5., Then about 3 hours.Then I start putting it out in the early afternoon say about 6 until dark. Then earlier and earlier. When it can take it from about noonish until dark and look fine I just leave it outside. You can really do it alot of ways. Just make sure it's gradual.
yea similar to rabbit, i just move to a shady spot till it shows a bit of happyness(prob a week) then i move to a semi shady spot, where it gets light in morn, then shaded from lunch. but i always like some shade at some stage of the day for all my plants if possible..
have to agree with r.b the wind has been important as the sun and rain for that matter..i do as rabbit does,but i use a small greenhouse to get them used to cooler temps,the wind..used to the sun and gradually move them out..but some variety are much hardier and can cpe with extremes of heat and cold and wind but some like pubescents really droop in hot weather..but thrive in cooler conditions..made lots of mistakes myself and a lot is trial and error :)
I found out if you plant seeds shallow direct in the garden naturally they get harden & those plant are much healthier from another seedlings grow under the lights but at has to be 80 degrees outside wright before summer this way is good only for warmer climate.